Jupiter ingresses Aries
The expansiveness of Jupiter lives positively through our ethics, justice, wisdom, and enthusiasm. In Aries, the individual ego is appealed to, and is activated by opportunities that come to us from expanding out into the world, and from our inner impulse to expand out into the world. The flip side of this are the experiences of challenges, which call us to exercise and expand our abilities, as well as expanding their expressions out into the world. Jupiter teaches us how challenges are opportunities, giving us drive and courage. Jupiter can also manifest as hubris, blind over-extension, over-optimism, over-positivity, over-indulgence, and impulsiveness.

The ruler is Mars, which is in Gemini at the time of Jupiter’s ingress into Aries. The self-initiating impulse to apply our energy towards desires, and the fulfilling of Venusian values and esthetics is raised to the mental plane, giving energy to what and how we expand out into the world through communication, travel, making connections, and networking. Negatively, Mars in Gemini can disperse our attention, will, and activities in too many directions, weakening ourselves and whatever we intend, no matter how positive the intentions may be.

The questions that arise with Jupiter in Aries/Mars in Gemini put before us challenges to our enthusiasm for doing things just because we can. Most of these challenges are born from the results of previous actions, social practices, and policies. To the degree we decide, desire, and intend, based on unconscious likes and dislikes, and unthinking identifications with blood, nation, and religion, the likelihood for an expansion of deploying technology towards the undermining, if not destruction of others. This technology is about how we use our words, and how we attain our aims. We either use it to build each other up to expand our possibilities in our personal relationships and our communities towards a cosmopolitan, all inclusive and accepting world, or we use it to empower our separative personal and collective identities and intentions at the expense of others. Of course, both of these directions will be taken by individuals, groups, and entities simultaneously.
On the day of Jupiter’s ingress into Aries, it is in waxing Square aspect to the Sun, Mercury is in a waning Quintile, and Mars in a waxing Quintile to Jupiter. Jupiter’s opportunities and challenges to the sustainment of our personal sense of purpose and power gives creative crises between what we have built as our ego, and towards what we are expanding ourselves. Mercury’s waning Quintile to Jupiter is a call for a creative transformation of thinking and communicating called for by however one is being expanded into transpersonal realms. We have to keep in mind that this exists on individual and collective levels. Mars in waxing Quintile aspect to Jupiter is also a call for creative transformation
During Jupiter’s 5 month traverse through Aries, it will cross over the slower Chiron and Eris. Meanwhile, Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus will also cross these points. Whatever ways Jupiter’s expansion and magnification bring to our wounds, violations, and vulnerabilities, they can help bring healing, and encourage us to look beyond ourselves. This is the opportunity to ask the Parcival question, “What ails thee?”, which is required to attain the Holy Grail, by giving service to others. Are we awake enough to ask this question of others? Of other countries? The asserting of self out of fear, and attempting to be first at everything, would be an overcompensation. Eris points to where and how we need to gain strength and courage to face the world.
Eris will be in Aries for 25+ more years, marking a closing of its 560 year cycle, pointing to its connection to humanity’s evolving individuated consciousness (think of European Renaissance and reformation). The beginning of this cycle coincided with the rise of individuation, especially in relation to the rise of technological progress. This sinking deeper into materialistic thought, inventiveness, and the ensuing lifestyle, primarily affects our thinking and how we enter into the world. Eris gives recognition of our own and others’ personifications of positive qualities, resourcefulness, and the desire for self-improvement, but to whatever degree this recognition is not given, feelings of revenge, jealousy, and rivalry arises, and strife ensues. This Goddess of discord shows we still have a way to evolve beyond impulsive personhood. All this will gain in intensity and importance as Pluto goes through Aquarius.
Jupiter ingresses Taurus

When Jupiter enters Taurus in May 2023, what and how we have expanded and compensated through assimilation from the last cycle, and especially through its time in Aries, becomes focused on how to be a self-sustaining conscious individual in a social context. Our expansion moves from the principle of individual will towards self- exertion, as we identify with substance for the purpose of self-substantiation. Besides physical things, substance also means our values, and upon what and how we ground our self-worth, and find meaning and purpose by productively implementing them in life. The ruler, Venus will be in Cancer. The establishment of values and ideals and meaning is integrated to create a concrete sense selfhood and security. A sense of assuming responsibility toward others so as to consciously participate in relationships.

Venus is in waxing Trine to Saturn, and waxing Quintile to Jupiter. Values that have been focalized and individualized through Saturn are being creatively transformed through its Quintile to Jupiter. There is a feeling of readiness for actualization, but there is still a pull from the past.
Mars is in waxing Square to Jupiter. Our conscious will and outer expression is called to find new individual meaning through implementing new practical ideas and insights
through the creative tensions that arise from moving from the past Arian impulse of self-focus. What is needed to be kept from the past, and what needs to be released, or transformed into meeting practical social needs.
Venus is in waxing Trine to Saturn, and waxing Quintile to Jupiter. Values that have been focalized and individualized through Saturn are being creatively transformed through its Quintile to Jupiter. There is a feeling of readiness for actualization, but there is still a pull from the past.
Venus is in waxing Trine to Saturn, and waxing Quintile to Jupiter. Values that have been focalized and individualized through Saturn are being creatively transformed through its Quintile to Jupiter. There is a feeling of readiness for actualization, but there is still a pull from the past.
In alignment with this purpose, Mercury is in waxing conjunction to Jupiter, which is in waning conjunction with the North Lunar Node. New mental functioning and thought constructs integrated into oneself to the point of becoming intentions, start to be individuated into practical forms, or at least start to take on personal meaning and value. It may take until mid-June to have developed enough to be communicated effectively.
Jupiter is also in waxing (3º) opposition to Pluto. Individual evolutionary intentions must be brought into the social realm. New insights may arise spontaneously, as well as through clashing desires, or confrontations within relationships and social structures. These exist so we can learn how to communicate effectively, and to reject any points of view that are not in alignment with spiritual alignment and progress. However, rejection may be based on defending one’s own cherished thoughts points of view and philosophies that hold up a sense of security and identity.
Venus Retrograde
From July 23 – September 3, 2023, Venus is retrograde in the realm of 28º – 12º Leo, starting off with a waxing Trine with the Lunar NN in Taurus, and a waxing Quincunx to Neptune in Pisces, a waning Quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn, then moving on to a waxing Square to Jupiter in Taurus. Venus retrograde in the last half of Leo Trine to the lunar NN towards the end of July and beginning of August, the internalization of values and ideals is necessary to establish, or reestablish patterns of how sets of values and ideals are to be put out in the world. Mars in Virgo will be Quincunx to the NN at the middle of August. This will bring more clarification, as well as desire and action to fulfill these values and ideals. This will activate everyone, and an adjustment needs to happen.
Where there is separation and conflict of interests, intensity of emotions will arise, calling us to reevaluate our motives. As things move forward positively, all that is holding onto old patterns values, or to illusory values and aims will be reactive, possibly violent. That which is upholding truth and life-giving pursuits will also be actively focused upon its intentions. With Neptune in the picture, the dissolution of old forms to be replaced with more universal and inclusive values is overshadowing our goings on. The negative side of how we human beings manifest this will be through nebulous and irrational group mindsets, which becomes an escape into formlessness, all the while believing they have the truth. Only meaningless divisiveness arises from this. The quincunx to Pluto amplifies this breakdown and move towards transformation and rebirth.
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