October 31 has been recorded as being called Halloween since 1550-60. This name is a contraction of All Hallows Eve or Allhalloween. The observance of this evening goes back to the Western Christian feast of All Hallow’s Day, and beginning of Allhallowtide, a time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering those who have died, including the recognized saints, martyrs, and those who were faithful.
This original designation by the Catholic Church has deeper roots. It is well known that the church appropriated what was considered pagan festivals and beliefs, changing them to fit the Church’s perspective on Christianity, and to appease and enlist the pagan believers into church dogma.
Regardless of how far the Church or cultural dogma and traditions have strayed from understanding spiritual realities, the spiritual happenings and processes are at the root.
This Allhallowtide all fits into the time of sidereal Libra, and the time of tropical Scorpio. Scorpio takes us into the underworld, the realm of the dead, and the spiritual mysteries of death. Libra is the gateway to this realm, and brings the living learning how to relate with the dead.
Through spiritual science, we can learn that during this window of time, the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is at its “thinnest”. Let’s look at the astrological happenings of this particular Halloween of 2021 with this perspective in mind.
The T Square involving Sun, Saturn, and Uranus sets a foundational mood for this time. This T Square is in the fixed mode. This denotes a focus on the structures and meaning of existence. Values, ideals, and abstract thought are at the forefront. The purposes of individuals and societies are being challenged by old traumas, and by new ideas arising that expose what is rigidly entrenched, and not reflective of the highest imaginations for humanity. All egoic structures need to be re-thought (Saturn in Aquarius). This is creating crisis with all that is holding back the materialization of new thought forms and possibilities(Uranus in Taurus). The progressive sense of purpose (Sun) wants to go deep, for it is felt to be of a profound calling (Scorpio). To the degree that these dynamics are not made real, challenges mount up, and feel to be overwhelming (Uranus). Jupiter in Aquarius Quintile to Uranus is most positive when full and authentic individuality is active in the approach to life, bringing out creative abilities and talents, that will be beneficent. Negatively, this will be expressed in over-the-top aggrandizement of egotistical justifications. I also see this manifesting in the exposing of political criminals. This is like a preamble to the death and resurrection that is/will be happening specifically during the Pluto opposition of the United States.
As the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds thin, the urgent immediacy of what needs to reformulated, transformed, and expressed in the soul lives of individuals and groups on a daily basis, is felt ever stronger (Moon in Virgo trine Uranus and Sextile Sun). The Moon’s Septile relationship to Mars indicates the unpredictable karmic happenings in life. The conscious will life (Mars) and the emotional life (Moon) are manifesting as compulsive and sometimes incomprehensible actions determined by collective needs, and what is destiny for individuals and the collective.
This is a time to be especially awake and paying attention to our imaginative, inspirational, and intuitive cognitions of the spiritual impulses surrounding and permeating us. This is also a call from the opposition between Moon and Neptune, that lives in the borderline of wakeful consciousness and sleep, yet the Sun Trine Neptune endeavors to enliven and personalize this as a sense of purpose.
I often talk about the lunar nodal axis as the gateway or threshold of incarnation and death. The soul’s karmic needs, necessities, challenges, and gifts of the past (South Node), and the soul’s intentions and pull towards the future(North Node) make up this gateway. The Sun Trine the NN indicates the desire to reify, personalize, and blend in with what is felt to be a spiritual calling forth as destiny.
The pull of the past as it regards to the rigidified outlooks that determine the outcome of relationships (SN Sagittarius), and how they are intimately related (Sextile) to rigidified social concepts (Saturn Aquarius) are being redefined so as to emerge as new centers of conscious awareness and activity. There is a growing and potentially constructive crisis regarding the urge/desire to express this new awareness through action in personal and social relations (Moon Sesquiquadrate Saturn).
Mars, Venus and the NN form a Yod. This spiritually sensitive aspect puts a focus on the call for the productive use of new forms of consciousness (waning Sextile) arising from the values (Venus) and conscious will (Mars) through the experiences of clarifying concepts of self and others (Quincunx). These values are being revealed and challenged by the spiritual inspirations (Neptune) through the crises in the development and building of new (waning Square) personal and social forms. The soul intentions (NN)are being fed by the urge for creative creative expression (Quintile) of spiritual, compassionate, and all-embracing inspirations(Neptune in Pisces).
The urge to create a new individual identity in relation to progressive spiritual laws (Pluto), is being given the intuitions to productively understand and purposely actualize these spiritual laws into life situations (NN/SN axis). This points to the rock bottom necessity (Pluto) to put universal thoughts(SN Sagittarius) and individuated concepts (NN Gemini) into harmonious functionality (Trine/Sextile) in the world, through irritating but clarifying (Quincunx) experiences of transforming social concepts into new and redeemed purposes (Sun Quincunx NN).
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