Saturn as cosmic memory holds all that has happened, and is intended for the human being. Saturn holds before us the immensity and magnificence of karma, and the archetype of what a human being truly is, and can become. Like looking at a stern visage in a mirror, we are called to rise to define ourselves in the truest way possible. To the degree we do not rise, we are reminded by the consequences of our errors, shortcomings, fears, and lack of will, through encountering restrictions and obstacles.
Jupiter, as cosmic thought lives in all that is wisdom within us, and how our experiences are ever-expanding within us. Cosmic thought also lives as the imaginations that come to us expanding our thought and feeling to the possibilities and greatness of all that is around us, what lives within us, and to what we can become. The conjunction of these two shine as a light, guiding us to our very best, inspiring hope. These pure archetypes are there for all of us. Depending on our openness and karmic weight, these archetypes manifest to us in a myriad of ways.
To the degree we have not consciously worked on ourselves, we experience the karmic obstacles, and stark, harsh formidable reality. We feel pain and limitation, and project our rigidity and fear into the world. To the degree we do not have humility, our feelings of expansiveness over inflate into hubris and exaggeration, compensting for feelings of emptiness, including that which arises from not exercising one’s own powers of thought, feeling, or willing. In the social realm, it is increasingly easy to see the effects of the denial of the human being. The onslaughts against human freedom, the erosion of our life forces and inner life, through the ongoing mechanizing, and digitalizing of life, right down to the human body is a growing concern.
All that is tearing us away from having true human experiences is a growing anti-life force, which we must recognize. However, recognition is not enough. We must have the powers of discernment, which are inspired by the forces of cosmic memory and cosmic thought. We must awaken to these. We are called to practice putting our attention daily to the spiritual foundations of ourselves and the world, as they live in our will, our feeling, and in our thinking.
During this conjunction, many manifestations of expression of the archetypes of Saturn and Jupiter will arise and be played out through human individuals. The sublime and the ridiculous, the deadened and the ecstatic will only be able to be met and transformed through inspired and purposeful individuals. This enlivened inspiration will be found through interest and love beyond self-interest.
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