And the New Moon after Winter Solstice 2022

This is about about the solstices and equinoxes, the seasons, a bit about eclipses, and the breathing between the earth and the rest of the cosmos.
The seasonal cycle is a rhythmical living process that is obvious to the senses, having definite effects on the life of plants, the feeling life of animals, and the individual soul moods of people. On a global level, the rhythmic alternation of lengths of days and nights during the solstices are opposite in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as are the variations of temperatures. As an equinox approaches, Spring in one hemisphere, and Autumn in the other, there is an equilibrium of light, darkness, and temperatures. Even the different layers of the atmosphere change during the seasons, as evidenced by the meteorological studies published in the 1971 work, Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere by Chapman and Lindzen. In 200 probes of atmospheric conditions during a ten year research project, radar signals were sent out into the upper atmosphere. During the summer, the signals echoed back strongly from an altitude of about 80 kilometers. In the winter, there were only weak signals echoing back. This was found to be true in both hemispheres. The seasonal meteorological phenomena, air pressure, strength and direction of wind currents, temperature, and the interactions of various gases, all show they are part of the global seasonal cycle.
The seasons have been scientifically explained and taught to school children as due to the relationship of the earth to the sun. Because the earth is tilted on its axis, one hemisphere during its summer is more exposed to the sun’s rays, than the other hemisphere during its winter, as the earth orbits the sun. In June, the Northern hemisphere is leaning towards the sun, receiving its rays more directly and intensely, while the Southern half is leaning away from the sun. The sun also rises higher in the sky, than other seasons, so more rays are permeating the atmosphere for a longer period of time, each day. The reverse is true in December, when the Northern half is leaning away from the sun, while the Southern Hemisphere is leaning toward the sun.
Now, we have to consider everything I’ve mentioned so far as being outward physical manifestations of spiritual phenomenon. The seasonal cycle is also caused by the breathing process of the earth, which is similar to our own inhaling and exhaling. According to Rudolf Steiner, and other cultural spiritual teachings, this breathing process affects the soul of the earth. As new growth comes about in the springtime hemisphere, the life and soul forces begin to ascend out of the earth. They are “exhaled” out into the atmosphere, and the cosmos. This exhaling continues through the summer. In autumn, the inhalation of these forces begins in the corresponding hemisphere. By winter, the deepest inhalation occurs. The spring and autumn equinoxes are the still points between inhalation and exhalation. These times of equilibrium are often explained superficially as being the same, or very similar. However, if we pay attention to both the outer and inner worlds, we feel and know that the spring equinox brings a sense of hope and capability, as the autumn equinox brings a sense of expectation and preparedness. On earth, we experience this breathing in relation to the solstices and equinoxes in a lemniscate pattern between the hemispheres.
Not only are the earth’s life and soul forces breathing in and out, the spiritual life forces of the sun are being inhaled and exhaled. The deepest inbreath of the sun’s forces are during our winter. Not only is life on earth sleeping during winter, the warmth of spiritual life can be felt as being active inwardly in ourselves, which we celebrate in various cultural ways. All festivals of light are held around the winter solstice. The reason for this includes, and goes beyond the agrarian realities of availability of food. We are at a point in our evolution when we can be consciously aware, instead of instinctually aware of the processes in the cosmos, and our relationship to them.
It is easy to talk of inhalation and exhalation of the earth and sun, in regards to life forces and the seasons. But, what else is being inhaled and exhaled? The sun is not only the source of warmth and light, but also of life. Behind warmth is love, behind light is consciousness and thought, and behind life is being and will. The rhythm of breathing between sun and earth is not only of that which is intrinsic to each other, but also to the rest of the cosmos. The sun is the heart of the solar system. All the planets have their own natures and influences. The sun is the harmonizer, regulator, and disseminator of the planetary impulses. Through the sun, all these are breathed into us, and we breathe out into the world and the cosmos. Of course these processes exist outwardly, and is intrinsic to our own being and inner life.
What we harmonize or don’t harmonize, what we regulate or not in our lives; whether we love, or not; whether we consciously connect with ourselves and others, or not, is all breathed out into the world and cosmos. All that is not good for the planetary worlds is burnt up, as it were, by the sun. Yet, we are karmically responsible for these shortcomings, and need to transform ourselves accordingly. When there is an eclipse of the sun, then these negative forces make their way untransformed into the soul and spirit worlds of the planets. When there is an eclipse of the moon, influences of the planetary beings who feed off of our negative feelings, thoughts, and deeds will easily inspire those who are predisposed to doing evil. I bring this particular breathing up, because of the latest eclipses.
I want to give you a little background of things to keep in mind before going on to this upcoming new moon after the winter solstice on the 23rd, at 5:16 am EST. Here are charts for Southern and Northern hemispheres

With both moon and sun at 1º 32´Capricorn, the instinctive nature of this new moon will show how insular some people will be in their thoughts and attitudes regarding social functioning. Specifically, about what is ideal in society, or at the foundations for relationship, or the basis to be an individual, a spiritual identity. Positively, the new moon has a tendency to harmonize and counter extremist behavior. However it also is a beginning of a new cycle. The nature of the cycle will totally depend on the evolutionary state of consciousness, and emotional awareness that live in individuals. This new moon can either start a dissolution of crystallized views, and usher in a time of tolerance, nurturance, and even innocence, or further establish the need for control, and renew and redouble methods to keep control. If there is a tendency for contemplation and consideration of self and others, there will be an orientation towards self-understanding and orienting oneself and society towards progressive down-to-earth changes, and to escape or shun bondage to compulsive randomness, flightiness, and impatience. Otherwise, radical conservatism and its accompanying fearfulness will rule the day. Of course, even with the strong presence of divisiveness and dichotomy, these tendencies will manifest in a spectrum of expressions.
Consciousness towards rethinking personal and social identities and establishments inclines toward personal and social truth (Saturn/Aquarius)brings unexpected elements in life that are karmically unavoidable and realigning (waxing septile) directed by personal and collective needs. This gives rise to protect and nurture the expansion of one’s own independent truth, and one’s individuality (Jupiter/Aries/4th H).
This Jupiterian impulse affects how we act(mars) on introspection/self improvement (6th H); or objectification of consciousness(7th) in order to make associations through our process of expanding relationships for the purpose of personal security (Gemini), facing conflict for the purpose of self improvement (6th H)/ to authentically relate(7th). Negatively, expanding oneself through the taking on of superficial and false claims that provide a false sense of self, and wanting to proselytize and demand others to improve according to acquired, so-called insights.
These actions affect our priorities in relationship, our establishment of values and ideals, through finding meaning, for the purpose of internalization them into our lives, so we stand our ground in independence (Capricorn 1st H). This, of course, calls upon our thinking (Mercury) to emerge through recognizing selfhood for the experience of self-consciousness, to associate and relate, communicate, and understand social workings, so as to integrate oneself into society (Capricorn 1st H). Negatively, the taking in of the values and intentions of others, and their propaganda leads to a false sense of community and social reality.
Jupiter in the 1st º of Aries is in square aspect to the sun and moon (Waxing from the sun, and moon is waning to Jupiter). This impulse is to constructively (square) nurture and protect independence while expanding oneself out into the world (Jupiter/Aries/4th H). Negatively, overblown subjectivity undermines the independence of others while vehemently espousing one’s own.
Venus 17º/Capricorn 1st H waning trine to Uranus /Taurus 5th/6th H. For the transformation of what has been crystallized, beyond its time and not in alignment with truth and progress; the expansion of meaning and value fuels the creative expression of the revolutionizing of productivity of self and society.
Going back to the moon, the lunar SN is still conjunct Uranus. Feelings about ideals in society, the foundations for relationship, or what it is to be an individual, a spiritual identity is still influenced by the past, as well as whatever traumas are related and now triggered, continue to be exteriorized so they can be transformed. Where there isn’t an urge for transformation, one will find self-focused chaos-mongering disruption. At its worst, there will be violence.
As I previously asked, what else is being inhaled and exhaled? The sun is not only the source of warmth and light, but also of life. Behind warmth is love, behind light is consciousness and thought, and behind life is being and will. The rhythm of breathing between sun and earth includes the rest of the cosmos. The sun is the heart of our solar system. All the planets have their own natures and influences. The sun is the harmonizer, regulator, and disseminator of the planetary impulses.
Through the sun, these are breathed into us, and we breathe out our soul karmic forces into the world and the cosmos.
The karma that this new moon is initiating, is happening at the beginning of a new inbreath of sun, planetary, starry world, and of earthly life and soul forces. This inbreath includes the cosmic responses to the karma of our thoughts, feelings, and deeds. This winter solstice will closely follow this past eclipse. The next solar eclipse will be on April 20, 2023, followed by a total lunar eclipse on May 5. We will then see more clearly what our karma has reaped. Each of us have to ask ourselves, how have I nourished the spiritual world, and how have I caused trouble and anguish for the spiritual world? How will it later play out in my life? Our lives?
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