Conscious Will and Creative Imagination Versus Reaction and Destruction

Mars meets Uranus in Taurus, along with its expression in the Tarot deck, The Tower card always point to the karmic destruction, or overthrow of egoic structures not in alignment with positive spiritual development. Meanwhile, the structures, machinations, and individuals operating out of old paradigms will be forceful in holding their power and stances. One specific is that the money and power structures of runaway capitalism that have been operating for centuries are feeling death looming ahead, and will continue whatever ploys to keep intact. Wars will continue, as the US keeps propping up its crippled economy with arms sales, and muscling its way in the world.

The obviousness of the inviability of how money is hoarded in the hands of the few, while societies falter is indicated by the sign of The Tower. This is a worldwide phenomenon, yet, there are countries gradually pulling away from this, particularly in the growing awareness to pull away from the US Petrodollar. This has to fall, and will fall, but not without demonizing, and and/or fighting those who don’t want to keep the status quo. There is more to the existing dynamics and the impulses behind them, as most agree, yet disagree on the nature of those impulses. The seeds of the war of all against all are now being sown, and some are germinating.

How perfect is it, that Mars is exactly conjunct Uranus on the day of the US inauguration? Everything is coming to a crash! Four years ago, Trump was inaugurated as President of the US. Now, Mars has cycled around to find the Taurean entrenched followers of Trump, both politicians and citizens, especially those who are fueled by ignorance, and by calls to violence, are coming to heads with what…reality? When such powerful impulses are manifesting as fear and chaos, one thing for certain stands out starkly, the inability to think objectively and freely. Generally speaking, people have lost the ability to sense truth in given situations. The loss of one’s sense of self, has been eroded by the surrendering of thinking and feeling to the opinions and allurements that are now like the very air we breathe.

There are those with cooler heads, who are holding ground for democracy, and the rule of law. The divisiveness that lives will continue to play out, beyond this conjunction. When Mars forms a waxing square to Uranus in March/April of this year, it is to be seen if it will manifest in the US collective as a constructive or destructive will to power. The reality of such things is that both forces will be alive, as the national karma unfolds.

Thankfully, there are impulses in the world, put out by individuals who are thinking towards a viable and sustainable future. They will have to face, as do we all, the effects and ramifications of the desperate grasps at power and the old ways of doing things, during this transition in the world. Positively, conscious will is infused with new creative imaginations for the future. Courage to carry these out will be much needed. Creative imaginations will also be manifested in the inevitable expansion of AI, which will have both positive and nefarious consequences in the world.

Jan. 4, 2021