Mars and Pluto are, in a sense, two sides of the same coin. Not in the commonly held perspective that Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. Rather, Pluto manifests in the unconscious will forces, and Mars in the conscious will forces. Because Pluto is unconscious, it is a bag full of surprises—all of them intense, whether they are of a positive nature, or experienced as negative. We experience them as negative when karmic lessons that haven’t been faced and digested, arise in our awareness, and we feel blind-sided by the events and emotions connected with these lessons, and our death of self seems imminent. When positive, we feel a new sense of power and an inner richness. Of course, once we face whatever negative Plutonian activity comes into our lives, and our lessons are learned, we are reborn out of the proverbial belly of the beast richer, wiser, and more powerful.

Our conscious will forces work out of our Venusian values, which arise from our sympathies and antipathies, and the way we have filtered our experiences of selfhood and life. However, what lives unconsciously in the soul colors what we actually do, for better, or worse. To paraphrase Carl Jung, what in our unconscious isn’t made conscious rules us, and havoc ensues in our lives.

The current Mars in Libra in waning square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn manifests in the crises we experience in the development of new forms in our consciousness, and how we are going to put these out into the world. This is a time of a preliminary building of new foundations in our lives, for a new cycle of activity to begin. What we actually do (Mars) in regards to how we relate to ourselves and others, do in the world, and how we create balance within ourselves (Libra), is in creative friction, or possible crises with whatever unconscious security issues and compulsions (Pluto) are living, and the structures that have been built around them (Capricorn), whether in an individual, or in society.

Its interests me to notice that on October 7 when Pluto went direct, the Moon was still new, at the degree that Mars is today at the Full Moon. To me, this is a fulfillment, or a culmination of what was living in the feeling life at the time of Pluto going direct. Now, there is an intensification in the feeling life, in general, and importantly in regards to how this crises mentioned above is experienced.

Have you noticed whatever transformations were going on in your life before Pluto went retrograde, went into a time of revisiting both internal and external issues. Emotions arose, that we thought had been dealt with, or projects that were going powerfully forward, went into an eddy of inactivity, all because something had not been fully resolved. This Full Moon is also in opposition to Mars. Do you feel a certain dam has broken in your life? There is probably some cleanup work to be done, but there is a feeling of inner clarity that makes moving forward a reality, as manifested by Mars in waning conjunction to the Sun. The Sun and Mars are also in a trine relationship with Jupiter in Aquarius, and Moon is in a sextile relationship with Jupiter. This can manifest as a positive expansiveness to a new sense of purpose, confidence, and optimism, which helps to break free of what holds us back, and to enthusiastically create what’s new.

To whatever degree we have unresolved and untransformed emotional issues, and ways we deal with daily life (Moon), is the degree that we will struggle (Moon in waxing square aspect to Pluto). There may be an earth-shattering event that brings us to our knees, and/or strong feelings that seem to come from nowhere. For some, this is a time of great frustration, anger, and maybe bitterness. What truth about one’s self is demanding to be recognized? What needs letting go?

For those who are unaware, and especially in denial of these forces in our lives are feeling irritable, and prone to impulsive, rash overreactions (Moon in Aries in opposition to Mars). Mars in waning trine to Jupiter in Aquarius, and Jupiter in sextile relationship to the Moon will manifest in some as over-reactive brash actions that may be justified by some sort of cold intellectual high-mindedness. This is a time for some to be confronted for how they have over-promised themselves, or exaggerated their capabilities in the past, especially during the time that Pluto has been in Capricorn, and since Jupiter and Saturn have entered Aquarius.

Embracing the new and boldly moving towards the future requires us to honestly face ourselves. By doing so, we have to let go of whatever is holding us back from being genuine. This also means that we have to let go of any relationships that truth and authenticity have been compromised, non-existent, or cannot be presently transformed.