To apply intellectual reductionist thinking to spiritual concepts does not make spiritual insight. This kind of thinking blocks, or at best limits access to a living spiritual perception. This occurs when the mind is overly entrenched in materialism. Connection to the heart, and to our higher faculties of imagination, inspiration, and intuition is the antidote.
We can choose to believe, mimic, or create an inverted reality that has its own logic, and adhere to it. Lies, even self-damaging ones can be believed, and a certain kind of identity formed around them. Laying aside all the internal thought and emotional mechanisms that exist to gravitate to such inverted realities, it can be seen how opposing opinions become contentious, because one’s inner sense of security is enmeshed with the sense of identity in these concepts and the style of logic that glues them together.
Of course differences arise, and we’re not here to agree on everything, but called to inwardly inquire to find the voice of truth, that is not dependent on anything outside of itself. Do I have a stance? What are its roots? Is it born out of specific sympathies or antipathies? fears? Have I self-reflected enough to know that my mores are freely created, and not based on “shoulds” that have been inculcated within me since birth, by family and society?
As if this isn’t challenging enough, other complications are added by those who want to sway people’s thoughts one way or another, to fulfill their agendas. To think one way, or not to think at all are intentions widely promoted. In today’s world, endeavors to manipulate people to buy a product, or a political stance, are also increasing measures to divide society with confusing and emotionally driven agendas. Some of these promulgated thoughts are destructive by nature to any and all forms of human activity. They give explanations to everything going on in the world, even all historical happenings, denouncing groups of people, extolling bloodlines, and pointing to alien beings. The mixing of truth and lies is an age-old propagandist ploy.
The people who swallow propaganda have a sense of being knowledgeable, which appeals to their need for security. Spreading such propaganda also gives a sense of power.
The antidote to this lives in the degree we consciously experience our thought processes, and the pure spiritual activity of thinking itself—intuition, through which we become co-creators and co-redeemers in the world.
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