Let’s look at the end of August and into September, 2022, through using the Lunar Nodes as the spine of experience for the month. The Lunar nodes come to the midpoint of their respective fixed signs of Taurus
and Scorpio on August 27, 2022, and leaves the degree on Sept 9, 2022. The fixed signs concentrate and focus energy, manifesting the principles of definition and structure, giving depth and meaning to the cardinal experience of generation, thus giving something for the mutable signs to combine and integrate.
The 15th degree of the fixed signs is the point of maximum intensity, where power is most concentrated. Specifically, these degrees of Taurus and Scorpio are related to the equinoctial power generated by the dynamism of Aries/Libra. The following signs of Taurus and Scorpio arrest and limit the dynamic generating power of the equinoctial signs and focus them, in terms of purpose (Taurus) and identification (Scorpio).
In a cyclic and psychological sense, 15º Taurus is when power is concentrated toward the formation of an individual being. 15º Scorpio is where power is concentrated towards the formation of a universal being.
Before we look at the charts, I will share some thoughts about the Lunar Nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis.Through Taurus we exert ourselves through identification with substance—physical things only reflect one’s values—thus substantiating ourselves as individuals. One’s purpose and productivity are seen as all important. We all need to have a concrete understanding of the meaningfulness of what one does and produces. At 15º, the practical use of the power and purpose of personal productivity is most concentrated.
We identify with a greater whole through Scorpio in order to become greater, or to transcend what we are. Through the awareness of duality a question arises: doesn’t the experience of creative tension give rise to a desire to merge and unite with others, or to something outside ourselves in order to participate together as a greater whole? The experience of individuation and the urge for relationship in order to identify and transcend leads to the aspect of sex in its creative dynamism. At 15º Scorpio the creative release of the power and purpose of relationship is most intense.
Seeing the lunar nodes as gateways into incarnation on earth, we can understand them as the habits for security,
and the gifts and challenges we bring with us from past lives; along with the soul intentions for the present life, in order to create the future sense of self.
The Taurus/Scorpio polarity brings out the archetypal impulses and cycles of growth and destruction. Wherever this polarity is in a chart it shows where there are lessons to learn about surrendering to the natural cycles of life, and to what life brings to us at any given time, especially as these signs, rulers, and their houses are activated. Taurus seeks to sustain and maintain on the physical and material level, and in the realm of values and experiences of self worth. This activity reinforces the sense of individual identity and volition that we have developed. Scorpio seeks to sustain and maintain the sense of emotional and spiritual well being, which necessitates the destruction of physical, emotional, and thought boundaries.
On one hand, Taurus defines and validates the self through physical and sensory experiences. Primarily working with the material realm, Taurus builds structures that support our sense of separateness and individuality. On the other hand, these structures are built upon the values and esthetics we develop. However, Certain individuals can become overly focused on what is physical and practical.
What supports and defines our sense of self can become what confines and hinders our ability to grow. By being too focused on what is physically sensed, or fixed in our values, we can lose the ability to distinguish the difference between our true self, and what are only manifested extensions of self.
Scorpio’s purpose is to strip away any concepts and habits that we use to confine our authentic self, and to break down and destroy these illusions, leading us to an experience of ego, where lives the core of our illusions, and the source of our ability to transform ourselves by killing our outworn and false identifications. When we allow these identities—our identities to die, we then merge with something that is beyond and greater than ourselves. One can go overboard, or be fixated with the Scorpio dynamic within by becoming obsessed with a continual process of destruction and transformation.
The Taurus/Scorpio polarity gives us lessons about when its time to put down roots and grow, and when its time to relinquish what we have created. The balance between Taurus and Scorpio is found in recognizing and accepting when parts of us must die in order for for further growth.
The North Node in Taurus points to how we have related to change and transformation in the past. It indicates past experiences of having to deal with constant change and intense transformational experiences. This does not mean one is comfortable with change. The South node in Scorpio indicates there may also be an underlying fear of turmoil and transformation, regardless of how familiar with, or resigned one is to turmoil. Positively, the North Node in Taurus gives us the tenacity to rebuild from the ashes of our lives. In the call to transform are lessons to patiently maintain calm throughout times of upheaval.
The Lunar Nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis exhibit some of the most difficult of karmic lessons. Past lives are rife with the corpses of Scorpionic endings and mishandled situations. Where Taurus/Scorpio natal and/or transiting Lunar Nodes are positioned in a chart indicate where we fear having the proverbial rug pulled out from under our feet, and may now be defensive toward any advice. The past incarnations of going through transformative hells burning away outdated and false values provided the basis for developing Scorpionic habits. These must give way to building Taurean substantive values to live by.
This axis also points to the karmic lessons regarding one’s sex drive, urging towards having a balanced relationship to sexual desire and activity. Here lies the various degrees of karmic residue of seeking gratification through different relationships which became destructive to one’s self, and/or to others.
The choice of outlets of expression of this intense emotional energy depends on a soul’s karmic evolutionary state. In general, a disciplined artistic practice, especially music helps transmute instinctual sexual impulses towards creative transformative love that is not self centered. In other words, the ability to lead one’s life by transcendent values. The lesson to not dissipate, waste, or misuse power in valueless endeavors comes through the Taurus North Node.
Collectively and individually, we are facing the karma and outer effects of misusing our energies. There is a shared experience in feeling alone against all the horror and oppression that beset the world.
On one hand, through the sensitivity of Taurus we can be aware that abundance in the universe is so great, that we will always have what we need, when we need it. The lesson is to distinguish want and need, and to find contentment. We may not get what we want, but we’re surrounded by all that we need. On the other hand, the Taurean sense of responsibility is crucially necessary.
South Node in Scorpio shows past life experiences of change and transformation. This will be felt, depending on the degree an individual has a familiarity with emotionally intense transformations and constant change. For as much as the North Node may prepare us for transformation, it is more likely that it is calling for what needs to be worked towards: to face and overcome the fear of turmoil and the unknown which is needed to make the needed transformations.
When we encounter transformative times in our lives, and experience emotional upheaval, we can be grateful for whatever degree of Taurean preparedness we may have under our belt. For whatever reason a chart is made, the house position of this South Node will indicate the area in life where remaining Scorpionic battles must be overcome, and whatever gifts we do have for transformation and change, along with past-gained emotional strength. The house position of the North Node shows the area of life where a new practice of, and the embodiment of trust and security can replace struggle with a foundation of stability and peace.
I chose to run two charts for when the Lunar Nodes enter and exit 15º of their respective signs of Taurus and Scorpio. I used my location, here in Ecuador, so the house positions are not a focus for our purposes.
Lunar Nodes enter 15º Taurus/Scorpio
On August 27, 2022 the Lunar Nodes will come to 15º Taurus/Scorpio, The North Node will be in a waxing conjunction to Uranus. This is a very new beginning of a new cycle of relationship manifesting in a release of growth and expansion of consciousness, understanding, and imagination towards new potentials. This goes hand-in-hand with the South Node’s waning opposition to Uranus. This impulse towards objectification of awareness brings a polarization of consciousness. This polarization is played out in the culmination of cumulative experiences of awareness or realization of purposes and failures in our lives and social constructs.
15º Taurus brings a focused intensity toward discovering and utilizing all our powers which give rise to a healthy poise in life based on an imperturbable self-possession and assurance. To the degree we develop these qualities we strengthen our conscious vertical alignment with evolutionary spiritual intentions for ourselves as individuals, and for humanity. 15º Scorpio focuses us on our inborn competence to be able to deal with whatever arises in oneself and in life, and to commit to what proves to be of worth.
To the degree we don’t live up to these potentialities, an insensibility to deeper impulses takes their place and manifests in and surrender s to purposeless ineptitude and superficial self interest.These impulses will be highly colored by Uranian directives for originality in reworking reality and to reestablish ourselves with each new reality we create through the realization of our powers and the meeting of opportunities.
This revolutionary potential enables us to progressively create and co-create. When we fail to meet this, either through denial, or holding onto old Saturnian forms, trauma will come into being, until we make a revolutionary jump. At this time, Venus at 20º 07´ Leo is Opposing Saturn at 20º 54` Aquarius – both squaring the lunar nodal axis and Uranus. Through the Evolutionary Astrological lens, squares to the nodal axis are known as skipped steps, or as missed opportunities, which all have their karma. When looking at a chart of a future time, we can see that there will be a possibility for something to be skipped, or not met, and/or will be a time that triggers whatever has been previously skipped or not met relative to whatever particular situation one wants to focus on.
The Squares that the opposition of Venus and Saturn make to the Nodal axis makes a Grand Cross. This is strengthened by their tighter aspect to Uranus, strengthening the conjunction with the North Node as a focused trigger for the opposition. This fixed Grand Cross puts a focus on issues of structure and meaning of existence. This dynamic will show in the conditions of stress and intense polarity around us. The sticky wicket this creates is found in the paradoxical tension between being determined, and being rigid. This leads us through a threshold initiating us into lessons of what is Right Action.
One facet shows how refined and determined personal and social values, generous beneficence and self esteem create objective tension with whatever self-adornment is made with brilliant cold logical ideas for personal or social reform. Social polarization based on these psychological stances will be intensely obvious. Another facet will be revealed by the disparate financial situations of people. Control of individual well-being will come to a critical point. All this will awaken the inherent impulse for freedom in people. However, the expression for this impulse will depend not only on the degree of people’s freedom in thinking, feeling, and volition, but in the actual existence of their activities.
Think how differently followers of Qanon, believers in the Khazarian Mafia, and those who are on the internet for hours at a time reading from the same circle of sites every day, and those who question, consider oppositional ideas to one’s own, and are able to weigh them with both logic and heart sense to come to a truth. The range between how freedom is conceived and acted upon is wide, and the gap between the two will widen. This points in the direction of different evolutionary soul states, which we won’t go into today.
Another related aspect of this configuration is an impulse of rebellious creativity that will rise to confront the restrictive autocratic dictates of governments and political groups, or individuals.The response to the move to overturn Roe v Wade, and the threat to all who don’t fit into the White supremacist, patriarchal, theocratic view of how life should be governed, has not yet peaked. Will this Grand Square definitively mark the time when the fuse will have burned short?
Past life habits in dealing with change, fear, and trauma will be called out by the tensions between the maintenance of one’s self and values, and the defining, restrictive forces of one’s own boundaries, and those of society.
Within the individual soul, there will be an intensification of internal dichotomy, to the degree that one’s self-definition is not based on healthy stable foundations. However, all will experience challenges or conflicts with the outer world coming to a head.
Without going into it too much, the war in Ukraine, and all its relevant historical complexities, and the current autocratic impulses that are building up to something more intense. Let us hope that Putin’s nuclear threat to the UK is all bark.
The work of movements toward positive, life-sustaining measures to redirect and heal humanity’s relationship to nature and to all social relationships are also building momentum. This Grand Square will be a tipping point, hopefully towards more concerted efforts for change. The situation in Eastern Europe may obfuscate global environmental and socio-economic issues, or bring them more into focus.
All the Uranian change, disruption, instability, war and revolution, as well as Uranian newness, unforeseen developments, inventions, and structures are the outcomes and the triggers for the reformation of the individual and the social unconscious.The spiritual call for all of us is to experience the creative source of our thinking, and to be free of the temptation of taking sides in an increasingly fractured world.
Lunar nodes ending 15º Taurus/Scorpio
By September 9, when the Lunar Nodes are in the final moments of being at 15 º Taurus/Scorpio, Venus will have moved away from its opposition to Saturn, entered into Virgo, and opposes the Pisces Moon, which is squared by Mars. Meanwhile, Uranus will be in waning Trine aspect to the Sun. Later, Venus will come within 10º to the Sun on the 17th, and will be in waning Quincunx to Saturn on the 21st.
When Venus leaves its Opposition to Saturn, it leaves Saturn alone in Square aspect to the Lunar Nodal axis and Uranus. Impulses of Venusian values and sense of self esteem, and whatever tensions between them and Saturnian restrictions will have left their mark. Venus will be in Quincunx process to Saturn uneasily readjusting clarification of one’s concept of self, especially through readjusting one’s concepts of others (waning Quincunx), along with Venus Opposing Moon, which will bring a re-polarization of consciousness through adapting, developing, and maturing what was defined by Saturn. Hopefully, the Venusian lessons of Right Relationship will have shaped one’s Saturn in Aquarius rethinking and redefining of self. To the degree one does, it will manifest in determinedly creative conflict to develop new foundations and forms of self and society (waning Square to Uranus) and expressed through the full moon’s Piscean openness to focus on giving relevant meaning to experiences and visions, and to needs for self-improvement.
While some will respond in such ways, others will be experiencing this time differently. Some will manifest their values through initiatives that will be more aggressive than assertive, while others will be caught in trying to assess their own feelings and events in the world, lost in self-criticism and self perfectionism (Virgo/Pisces polarity), and the behind-the-scenes guilt and shame. There will be those who do not meet Pisces’ need for a sharp re-polarization to ward off self-disintegration, and will miss finding meaning within oneself. They will have a tendency to latch onto external thought memes and propaganda, and will fall into irrational fanaticism, in one direction or another. This will manifest in the Uranian trigger of unfocused disruptive behavior, especially within those with controlling unconscious trauma reflexes and have a high degree of insecurity.
All of this will, of course, be occurring while Pluto is Retrograde at 26º 18´ Capricorn, and is in-between a Biseptile and a Triseptile relationship with Uranus. The death of rigid and decadent forms within the individual and collective psyche feels like it is destined to happen, as is the call to cooperate/co-create with a higher purpose. However, for the vast majority this is a questionable unknown, except for those who hold an agenda of
religio-political certainty. There are others who hear this call to consciously cooperate and create with a higher purpose. When completely clear and honest with themselves, it can be seen that the death of long held structures, and the accompanying chaos have to be accepted, and that the upholding of creative transformation by holding the highest thoughts, feelings, and actions. The evils in our world are inevitable in the age we live in. We have to recognize them, face them, and resist them within ourselves. It’s a real challenging paradox, because of our interconnectedness, and our desire to stand for truth.
As things become more polarized, how can we resist evil and not get caught in drama?
The call is to stay centered, awake, and sensitive.
For Our Time
We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future.
We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive, full of wisdom.
Rudolf Steiner
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