Midnight Point Workshops

Midnight Point offers two to four day workshops assisting groups of individuals, or groups of people who live, or work together. A workshop can be focused upon issues related to personal  discovery and development; or on dynamics that enliven cooperation and healthy relating to achieve your community goals.

Our workshops address particular themes with a balance of stimulating intellectual, emotional, and relevant fun artistic activities. There is time to learn and discuss concepts, leading to an understanding of productive, and counterproductive dynamics that exist. Midnight Point provides tools to face known challenges, and unmask those that may be hidden.

Our workshops are personalized to your individual, or group needs. Prices are determined by the elements of the workshop, the cost of the venue, and/or travel and housing costs.  Please contact me so we can go over options and schedule a transformative experience for your group.

    Awakening the Heart-Sun

    Start or deepen your individual soul path by enlivening your heart with deliberate self-directed actions. Wouldn’t it be empowering to realize that progress in life is made by intentional fulfillment of certain conditions to completely develop forces already within you? Outer hindering obstructions are lessened by means of following certain rules for life, and inner hindrances by incorporating specific activities concerning meditation, concentration, and contemplation into your life.

    The Human Being and the Kingdoms of Nature

    The kingdoms of nature surround us with all their wonder and intrinsic wisdom, living within us, giving us the foundation for our soul experiences, and for obtaining self-mastery. Our attention can be spent on how to master the forces of nature for our own benefit through subjugation and control, or through understanding and cooperation. In this short course, the focus of understanding ourselves and the kingdoms of nature is towards individual self-mastery.

    My Gift to You

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