T Square — Sun 12°37´/Moon 12° 3´/3° 31´Scorpio opposition Uranus 12° 42´Taurus Square Saturn 7°23´AquariusThis T Square in the fixed mode challenges what has been developed as structure and meaning. It calls us to exercise restraint when dealing with others, instead of being determined or rigid.
In my own case, I have been feeling a lot as I wrestle with certain experiences in my life. Today they came to a head. As an immigrant in another country, I have experienced loss when a close friend moved back to the US, and other friends and colleagues have embraced a particular stance on vaccines, Covid, Trump, and Qanon, etc, and whatever conversations I have with them, these themes always come up, and very often turns into a repetitive monologue. Don’t get me wrong, the issues of individual rights, health, freedom, and political motives and agendas all have pertinence, especially in these times in which we live.
However, I am holding the seemingly hidden issues of what constitutes relationship and community. It is true that a healthy relationship can hold space for disagreements. It is also true that real interest for what the other thinks and says, and holds space for them by listening is bedrock. This activity is more important and respectful than holding one’s opinion and focusing on getting it out into the social sphere. Community is based on much more than agreeing with one another, or especially holding to the same concepts. However, there is a bottom line to this. Everyone in a relationship, intimate, or more social, has to agree to be open-minded and respectful, especially if a disagreement comes up. This is the arena in which each individual is tested, and determines whether the relationship or community continues, or not.
Community is not a static thing. The sense of community waxes and wanes in each individual’s experience, and more rarely is this is felt by all simultaneously. As listening and tolerance is always required, the virtue of faithfulness is especially important in times of crises. To be able to remember and trust the initial and foundational reason(s) why the relationship exists, and most importantly the integrity and intentions of the other(s). As long as these stay alive in everyone’s experience, then challenges can be overcome. To whatever degree there is dishonesty, distrust arises, and the relationship is doomed, unless there is an experience of pronoia, and things are set back on a positive course. Even when relationships have served a certain purpose, and its end is necessary, the issue of honesty is still paramount, and allows respect and new and different ways to relate to flourish.
Now to focus on this T Square and my personal experience. Transiting Mars is sitting right on top of my Venus and Saturn (9th H), and transiting Sun and Moon are midway between my Venus/Saturn and my Midheaven, and conjunct my natal Sun (10th H), and Square my natal Moon in Aquarius (1st H), as transiting Saturn is conjunct my natal Moon. Of course, transiting Uranus (3rd H) is Squaring my Natal Moon, and in Opposition to my natal Venus and Saturn. Transiting Saturn is also Trine to my natal Mars in Libra (8th H), while Transiting Chiron (Aries 3rd H) is in Opposition to my natal Mars (Libra 8th H).
Issues of value and discernment (Venus/Saturn) are being challenged (opposition) by surprising and traumatic new events in relationships (Uranus 3rd H), calling for new imaginations and insights in what relationships are, and what I truly value in relationships (V/S 9th House). Transiting Mars is bringing up how I am going to bring my values and discernment into conscious willful activity. Transiting Saturn is the trigger of the T Square, and is sitting on my natal Moon, calling me to redefine my attitudes, especially fixed ones. Saturn is also behind the experience of feeling isolated, which is an impetus for redefinition of my personal experience of societal realities (Moon Aquarius 1st H). This is a call for me to discern without judgment. The challenge that I haven’t resolved yet, at the very least in my understanding, has to with my feeling of loss community. I have found equanimity regarding my friend moving away, because we’re still in contact, and our communication is positive and enlivening. But, I haven’t found my peace regarding the change in my relationship with those who, in my experience, are stuck in a mode of constantly talking about vaccines, “pandemics”, etc, even after not seeing each other for a period of time. As much as I practice being open and allowing, there is little reciprocity and interest beyond their focus.
After what I just wrote, I realize that I need to walk my talk (transiting Mars conjunct natal Venus and Saturn) and be honest with how I’m feeling about our relationship. Transiting Chiron (Aries 3rd H) in Opposition to my natal Mars (Libra 8th H) indicates my wounding in relation to personal communication is bringing me to heal in what needs to die and be transformed in relation to what I will and do in relationships (Mars Libra 8th H). This coming New Moon will give a new impetus to this whole process. May I stay awake and find the necessary courage to walk my talk. I extend this wish to all.
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