Sophie Scholl & Greta Thunberg
At the beginning of the year, I had an intuition regarding the individualities of Sophie Scholl and Greta Thunberg—that the latter is the current reincarnation of that being. I have a friend who can see into spiritual worlds, and touch into an individual’s karma to make connections to previous lives. After telling her about the connection I sensed between Sophie Scholl and Greta Thunberg, and the astrological connections between their natal charts, and Sophie’s death chart, she responded by telling me that this being has had several lives as some kind of a social activist, and had died at a young age, each time. There was more information about them, which I am not free to give out at this time. I realize that this research has a lot of moral implications to it. I’m not going to state that my findings are definitely true, but there are astrological indications I cannot ignore, which I will share with you. I am not saying this is not an infallible work, but I ask you to consider everything with an open mind, without preconceptions.
I will first share information that has to be taken into consideration regarding reincarnation, and a little biographical information about Sophie Scholl and Greta Thunberg, for those who do not know who they are, before I share their charts, and make a case for the continuance of this particular soul. Besides the possibility of being just plain wrong, there are other things to consider. The processes of incarnation and reincarnation are not straightforward and can be simply explained as an individual person dying then being reborn.
First of all, from my perspective, I am seeing the spirit as the individual, and what that individual has transformed of their soul-or mental/emotional life, their habitual and life forces, and to whatever degree, their physical forces while here on earth. Another thing to consider is that in various traditions and spiritual literature, one can find stories of higher, more developed beings incorporating into human beings — thus the ancient descriptions of certain personalities being 2/3 god and 1/3 human, or some other configuration. These are descriptions of higher beings incorporating their astral and etheric bodies into a human being, and not a full incarnation. There is also the ability of individuals to sacrificially share their etheric, or astral bodies with another individual to help them on their journey. As we have evolved, we can take part, along with higher beings, in the decisions made between death and a new birth, of what we must do in our next life. Because we, as human beings, are all connected, we may share our etheric or astral body with another individual for needed evolutionary purposes.
Out of due diligence, I bring this up, because I’m taking into consideration that this may be the case between Sophie and Greta. Conscientiously, I can only point out what I perceive through certain astrological indications, and not through a developed direct clairvoyance, or a reported case by a reliable clairvoyant necessary for certainty on such matters. Though I know that astrology can point the way, and be correct in such matters, I am attempting to be as clear as possible about my findings and reasoning, in light of the moral and karmic consequences for stating unequivocally, yet possibly erroneously, that someone is the reincarnation of another.
There is another issue I must bring up before going into the heart of this presentation. Around 200 BC, the writings of the Egyptian priest, Petosiris to his king Nechepso, relate the astrological teachings of Hermes. These two composed astrological writings were based on the teachings of Hermes, who lived a couple of centuries before them. From this came what is known as the Hermetic Law, or Rule. My issue is regarding what is based on the teachings of Hermes, and is known as the Hermetic Law, or Rule, and the fact that certain astrologers insist that the sidereal positions are the only basis for accuracy. I find that both have very valid findings, and that exactness of aspects, or placements is amazing when I discover them. But, when certain points in the equation are placed very closely in the sky, or in the same sign, that is already amazing, and gives cause for further inquiry.
The first Hermetic rule for reincarnation (and its inverse): the zodiacal position of the Moon at birth indicates the Ascendant or Descendant at the time of conception, and the zodiacal position of the Moon at conception is indicated by the Ascendant or Descendant at birth. I used this formula for figuring out my daughter’s birthday, 40 years ago. Which I may report on at a later date.
To continue:
The angular relationship between Sun and Saturn at an individual’s birth, is the same, or the compliment of that which was at the time of death in the previous incarnation, meaning the two angles equal 180º
Modern research by Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s, was taken up by his contemporaries, Guenther Wachsmuth, Willi Sucher, Elizabeth Vreede, and later, Robert Powell who generally focus on sidereal positions when calculating Hermetic charts. But, Powell does state that the geocentric and heliocentric planetary aspects need to be taken into account, as do the planetary positions, [but] in the sidereal zodiac. A discussion delineating the reasons for using sidereal versus tropical calculations would take a rather dense book to give it any justice.
There is some interesting EA astrological work, regarding reincarnated souls being done by Michael De Baker, and has published a book on the subject. He is using birth charts of both proposed incarnations, which primarily looks at the Moon, the Lunar Nodes, and their rulers as pointing back to a previous life, also indicated by a reliable source, which I don’t know. As you will see, my research is based on what I’ve learned through practicing EA astrology along with what I’ve learned from the works of Rudolf Steiner, and the above mentioned researchers. I use the the birth charts of both individuals, and the death chart of the prior individuality. The death chart gives a picture of an evolutionary moment in that individuality’s soul journey, indicating what the person had, or had not achieved in their life, and is reflected in the birth chart of the following life.
As I’ve previously cited Steiner before, generally there are two incarnations, one male, and one female during an astrological age of 2160 years. However there are individual karmic variations of this rhythm. The incarnations may remain as one gender, but not more than seven times in succession. The shortest span between lives is a period of 21 years. The time span between Sophie’s death and Greta’s birth is 60 years, nearly three times the shortest length. At this point, I will point out that a life ending early, and such a short duration between incarnations make it very plausible there will be a similar countenance in the next incarnation. However, I have to keep it in mind that both Sophie and Greta have Germanic-Nordic roots. In Steiner’s lecture, Life between Death and Rebirth, Munich, November 26, 1912, he makes the following statement:
¨When a person passes through the gate of death, he dies under a certain constellation of stars. This constellation is significant for his further life of soul, because it remains there as an imprint. In his soul there remains the endeavor to enter into this same constellation at a new birth to do justice once again to the forces received at the moment of death. It is an interesting point that if one works out the constellation at death and compares it with the constellation of the later birth, one finds that it coincides to a high degree with the constellation of the former death.
It must be remembered that the person is born at another spot on the earth that corresponds with this constellation. In fact, he is adapted to the cosmos, and thus a balance is established in the soul between the individual and the cosmic life.
Kant once said, very beautifully, that there were two things that especially uplifted him—the starry heavens above him, and the moral law within him. This is a beautiful expression in that it is confirmed by occultism. Both are the same—the starry heavens above us and what we bear as moral law within us. For as we grow out into cosmic space between death and a new birth, we take the starry heavens into ourselves, and then in the soul we bear as our moral attitude a mirror image of the starry heavens. Here we touch upon one of the points where anthroposophy can only develop into a feeling for the moral-universal. What appears to be theory is immediately transformed into moral impulses of the soul. Here the human being feels full responsibility for his own being, for he realizes that between death and a new birth, the whole cosmos worked into his being, and he gathered together what he derived from the cosmos. He is responsible to the whole cosmos, for he actually bears the whole of the cosmos within him.”
I am placing emphasis on the word “whole” in this study. Specifically, I am looking at the death chart of Sophie in relation to her birth chart, and in relation to Greta’s birth chart. Seeing that Sophie was murdered at such a young age, the intentions for that life were not fully carried out, and according to Steiner, those who have died at an early age, have unused will forces that are carried over to a next life.

Sophie came into her life to learn objective awareness of herself, and to understand herself in a social context. This included lessons of developing security within herself, instead of deriving emotional security from any external factor. (Pluto Cancer in 7th H).
In her life these lessons were at a the beginning a new evolutionary cycle. Her evolutionary intent was to be self-determined, learning to accept responsibility for her own actions, thus achieving emotional maturity, and courage to establish and integrate her personal individuality and values in the context of society. Sophie was individuated enough to recognize the karmic issues and situations in which she lived, and resolved to correct the situation in whatever ways necessary.

What she brought from past lives, is an outgoing sense of self. Although she could be impulsive at times, she was generally methodical, practical, self-motivated, self-controlled, and secretive (Saturn Virgo 8th H waxing trine to sun Taurus 5th H). Her intention for her will and purpose was developing to be expressed and communicated truthfully and openly, no matter what. (SN Aries 4th H, Mars Gemini 5th H). Sophie’s mind and her ability to communicate was in service to her individual will and purpose (Mercury conjunct sun Taurus 5th house). Her conscious will and voice (Mars) was focused on communicating through the written word (Gemini).
She also brought into this life an evolutionary need to communicate her values in a personal way (Venus Aries 3rd H conj. SN Aries 4th H). All this was to fulfill her intent to bring justice and fairness into society (NN Libra 10th H). New forms were built of cumulative effects of actions of past lives, and in this life, of relating and expressing values by giving her all to fulfill her evolutionary intent by putting them into action in society (Venus waning novile to Mars). This manifested in the tensions and confrontations between herself and society, in this case, Nazism.
Transiting Uranus and Saturn (Gemini) at the time of her death are conjunct her natal Mars showing her will was impeded, traumatized, and cut short when communicating/expressing (Gemini 5th H) — natal Eris, goddess of discord is conjunct to natal Hades within 17´ in the same sign – (Aries) as her natal Chiron, Vesta, Venus, and SN, in the 3rd H—Her self-reliance, speech and communication got her into trouble, and ended in being guillotined (Aries). The natal Lunar South Node and its conjunction with Venus in Aries are closely followed by Eris, Hades, Chiron, and Vesta. These are all within 28 degrees, from the end of Pisces to the end of Aries. These all show experiences of a previous life or lives of deprivation, strife, suffering, and loneliness due to her commitment to certain ideals and values related to independence, and to communicate them.
The midpoint between her natal Eris and SN is between her natal Chiron and Vesta, indicating past life violations of her well-being, and her intentions to help heal others through direct action (Aries). At birth Hades was between Eris and Chiron indicating suffering for her compassion and ideas, and at death, Hades was conjunct her natal Venus, showing suffering for her personal values. Chiron and Hades in Aries can also indicate head wounds, or in this case, decapitation.
Besides expressing opinions contrary to the Nazi program, her demise may have been indicated by the result of the way of her impulsive expression—it was her tossing (Aries) many pamphlets from a balcony overlooking a courtyard at her university, when she was recognized by a Nazi Janitor, who turned her in. Keep in mind that at the time of death, transiting Moon was in opposition to the transiting Eris. I’ll come back to this, and to Eris and Venus when we look at Greta’s chart. Here, I will add that her natal Venus was waxing to natal Eris, and at death Venus was waning to Eris. Transiting Ceres, the nurturing one, had built up forces through her life commitment to truth and seeing clearly (Vesta).
Her personal conscious will for social ends (transiting Mars Capricorn 1st H) flowed with her sense of self-definition and perseverance for the truth that she had developed (Trine natal Saturn Virgo 8th H, which is trine natal Sun Taurus 5th H), and is expressed in her words during interrogation, “I am, now as before, of the opinion that I did the best I could do for my nation. I therefore do not regret my conduct and will bear the consequences that result from my conduct.”
At her trial, after having her leg broken during a 17 hour interrogation, she responded to fiery denunciations, “Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don’t dare express themselves as we did.”

Her death chart amplifies these dynamics. At her death, Venus was coming toward the end of its 3rd synodic cycle and was conjunct Sophie’s natal Eris and Hades, and transiting Hades was coming up to her natal Venus. Transiting Eris was coming up to her natal Chiron. Transiting Vesta is once again conjunct Venus and both are conjunct her natal Eris and Hades. Transiting Hades is conjunct natal Venus, at the end of the natal line-up in her 3rd house, and transiting Venus came across the beginning of this 3rd house line-up in conjunction to natal Hades and Eris. These death chart positions of Venus and Hades in particular, point out that she suffered, then was murdered for how she held her values.
This is supported by transiting Saturn conjunct Uranus both sextile to transiting Pluto, and square natal Uranus, which becomes focused on transiting Uranus/Saturn conjunct to natal Mars, which of course is also square natal Uranus. This square contains the line-up of the above bodies. This indicates that her soul intentions for an individualized expression of her will had come to a sudden traumatic end. She was 21 when she was beheaded.
According to Steiner, those who die young have unused will forces, which can be used in a subsequent life. Transiting lunar North Node conjunct Chiron(Leo 8th H) is in trine relationship to natal Venus/South Node. This indicates the soul’s intentions for self expression and whatever degree of magnanimity (Leo) she developed in life and is connected with her vulnerability and ability to look beyond personal realms (Chiron) in the house of death and transformation. This was harmoniously linked to her sense of values and self worth (Venus). Her commitment to her values was a soul-spiritual commitment to cosmic ideals, for which she was naturally willing to die for.

Her last words to Else Gebel, a cell mate, were recorded by Walter Roemer, Chief of the Munich district court, who supervised her execution. She said, “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?”
I could go on about Sophie’s chart and life, but I’ll continue on to Greta, and her chart, especially in relation to Sophie’s death chart.

Greta came into this life with a need and desire to know and understand this world (Pluto Sagittarius).
To logically order and understand the world, she understands herself, thus gains security for herself . She has identified with what she learns of the world, to the degree that she has identified with something greater than herself, and has made this her mission in life (PPP/Gemini). Having heard of climate change at the age of eight, she didn’t understand why so little was being done about it, which led her to be depressed. This led her to to stop eating and talking at age 11. She struggled with depression until she started her school strike program almost 4 years later. When she started protesting every Friday, her parents didn’t like her missing school, but they respected that she wanted to make a stand. Her father said, “She can either sit at home and be really unhappy, or protest, and be happy”.
Greta skipped school on Fridays to protest in front of the Swedish Parliament with a sign declaring, “School strike for Climate”. Through social media, this sparked an international movement of millions of youth joined by older people to protest. Greta and other youth throughout Europe continue to pressure leaders and lawmakers to act on climate change.
Greta was diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome, OCD, and selective mutism. She has publicly shared her view on her having Asperger’s, calling it her “superpower.” Yet, her Asperger’s way of monotone speech, her OCD tendencies, and social awkwardness has made her more of a target of those with other contradictory political and financial agendas. Certain conspiracy theorists mark her as a negative force in the world who is controlled by her parents, even by the “Deep State”.
In March, 2019, Greta was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, in September of 2019, she was a speaker at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, where she lambasted the UN Secretary General, world leaders, and lawmakers with her fiery words, “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet, I am one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. She said, “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”
In December of 2019, about 3 weeks before her 17th birthday, she was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, the youngest person yet to earn the honor.
She has since taken a Gap Year between high school and university, to continue campaigning, and to visit Mexico, Canada, and South America, to meet other climate activists, and to see firsthand, areas most affected by climate change.
Her identifying with her mission has been increasingly made clear to genuinely be for the benefit for the whole world. We can look at her life to be a sacrifice for higher ideals—Neptune Aquarius in trine to NN in Gemini in service to her PPP Gemini — Jupiter in Leo.
Greta’s personal values and self esteem is intimately tied to her conscious will (Venus conjunct Mars) in a powerfully transformative way (Scorpio) on the very practical and steadfast stage (Taurus).

Let’s look at Sophie’s Death Chart Saturn conjunct Greta’s natal lunar NN. If you remember, the hermetic law states that the angular relationship between Sun and Saturn at an individual’s birth, is the same, or the compliment (the two angles equal 180º) of that which was at the time of death in the previous incarnation. At Sophie’s death, the angle between the Sun and Saturn was 91º. For Greta it is 161º —not close enough, but notice Sophie’s death position of Saturn is conjunct Greta’s natal NN—the lunar nodal axis is the gateway for incarnation, and the NN indicates the intentions for the present life. I also have to point out that Sophie’s natal Moon is in opposition to Greta’s natal Pluto, thus conjunct to Greta’s PPP, natal Saturn, and Hades. Sophie’s natal Saturn makes a T-square to Greta’s natal Pluto/Hades, Saturn opposition. That which Sophie defined and dedicated in service in her thought and deed (Saturn Virgo square Moon Gemini) became Greta’s sense of responsibility. On another note, Greta’s need for structure, Asperger’s, and OCD also shows itself in her constant reassessing of self, and her willingness to take risks for her ideals. Saturn within both individualities are ruled by Mercury, as is the death chart Saturn which is conjunct Greta’s NN, indicating the continuance of a life of intentional and meaningful communication and walking one’s talk.
This focus is also shown in Sophie’s death chart Uranus and Saturn conjunct her natal Mars indicate a sudden end to what she willed in life is conjunct Greta’s NN, indicating past life karmic memory (Saturn) of intentionally expressing thoughts (Sophie’s 5th house Mars) infused into Greta’s incarnation intentions (death chart Saturn conjunct natal NN). This karmic memory includes the Mars intentions of the last life. The ruler of Greta’s NN—Mercury is conjunct her Moon, which both are in no-nonsense Capricorn.
Interestingly, Sophie’s natal Jupiter is at the midpoint trigger of squaring Greta’s nodal Axis. Sophie’s strong desire to be of service to the world, which was her path for personal expansion, was cut short—she was executed for it, and became Greta’s “skipped step” or missed opportunity (square to nodal axis). Greta took this “skipped step” and expanded her personal, heartfelt desire out into the wider worldwide arena. Greta’s Jupiter is flanked by Sophie’s death Chiron/NN conjunction, and Pluto, all in Leo. Greta’s Jupiter is 1º of the midpoint between Sophie’s Pluto and Chiron, and importantly, Sophie’s death Jupiter opposes Greta’s Sun. The inherent wisdom that Sophie was not able to fully live out in her life, is now bringing heartfelt nurturing wisdom to her sense of purpose and being. Sophie’s death Mars is conjunct to Greta’s Sun, Vulcan, and Moon, and is within minutes of being exact to the midpoint between Greta’s Sun and Moon. Sophie’s will can be seen as being transformed to Greta’s purpose of will and basic needs. Vulcan’s presence shows in Greta’s indomitable will to break down old forms in order to forge the new. Being in Capricorn, along with Sun and Moon, shows her ability to focus and work diligently and steadfastly towards her goal, which is social (Capricorn). Also, Sophie’s natal Sun is conjunct (8º)Vulcan in Taurus, and Greta’s Sun has a tighter conjunction (3º) with Vulcan in Capricorn. What and how Sophie had intended to forge her will was ended prematurely and becomes a more focused purpose In Greta’s chart. Sophie’s death chart Moon and Neptune are conjunct Greta’s Vesta —at the midpoint-making a square to Greta’s nodal axis. All this accentuates Greta’s personal integrity towards global awareness and sense of service, based on past life feelings and ideals
Sophie’s death chart Vulcan conjunct SN is conjunct Greta’s natal Uranus, which is their ruler. The Ascendant at the time of Sophie’s death is within a degree of opposing Greta’s natal Uranus. What Sophie had developed in her self expression, by the end of her life, can now be personally expressed in strong, surprising, and unexpected ways that is focused on humanitarian ideals by Greta. Greta’s Pallas is also playing in this particular dynamic. Pallas points to her mental demeanor and creativity. What she learns is quickly applied, and is shown in her fight for her knowledge of social, political causes, and her humanitarian ideals. Sophie’s death SN is conjunct Greta’s Pallas, indicating what humanitarian thoughts and plans she had developed and integrated into herself, is now an impulse for her imaginative social ideals and action that she gives objective, almost impersonal expression to (Pallas conjunct Uranus Aquarius).
Other asteroids to pay attention to are the death chart Eris, Ceres, and Hades in relation to Greta’s natal Ceres and Eris. All, are of course, in Aries—another indication, in my mind, that there is unfinished business. Sophie’s natal Ceres is conjunct by her death Jupiter which leads back to what is brought out by the death Jupiter opposing Greta’s natal Moon, Vulcan, and Sun.
In regards to Sophie’s death Moon and Neptune opposition to Eris and Hades, both positive and negative aspects of these asteroids in Sophie’s experiences can be seen to be transformed into Greta’s need for her to care for herself (Ceres Aries), Besides strife, discord, jealousy, and revenge, Eris also gives energy, resourcefulness, and the impetus for self improvement. Sophie’s death Eris in opposition Sophie’s death Moon and Neptune Libra). Greta’s natal Vesta accentuates the focus on commitment, and perseverance towards self-appointed goals.

Greta’s quotes regarding:
change: “Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up, and changes coming whether you like it or not.”
not giving up: “You must take action. You must do the impossible, because giving up is never an option.”
changing rules: “We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed. Everything needs to change—and it has to start today.”
Speaking truth: “I often talk to people who say,`No, we have to be hopeful and to inspire each other, and we can’t tell [people] too many negative things´…But no—we have to tell it like it is; because, if there are no positive things to tell, then what should we do—Should we spread false hope? We can’t do that, we have to tell the truth.”

A final example of the giving one’s self to a global consciousness:
Sophie: “Since the conquest of Poland, 300,000 Jews have been murdered, a crime against human dignity…Germans encourage fascist criminals if no chord within them cries out at the sight of such deeds. An end in terror is preferable to terror without end.”

Greta: “My message is that we’ll be watching you. This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean. Yet, you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. Yet, I am one of the lucky ones. People are suffering.”
In conclusion, I want to give recognition to Rudolf Steiner, who saw it as his particular task to introduce detailed scientific knowledge of reincarnation and Karma to the West. His intentions were to help others to have a deepened understanding and experience of the reality of successive lives on earth which form the basis for true spiritual knowledge of the relationship of human beings and the cosmos. He had very developed faculties of seeing and understanding the workings in the cosmos, from which his works were given. I also give special thanks to Sophie and Greta for their inspirational lives. I hope that I have been able to contribute to this in some small way.
Here is a list of Steiner works on reincarnation:
Life between death and rebirth,
Earthly Death and Cosmic Life,
Reincarnation and Karma,
Karmic Relationships Vol.1-8
Other Works:
Man and the Stars Willi Sucher
Astronomy and Astrology Finding a Relationship to the Cosmos Works by Rudolf Steiner Compiled by Margaret Jonas
Hermetic Astrology vol. I & II Robert Powell
Citizens of the Cosmos Life’s Unfolding From Conception Through Death to Rebirth Beredene Jocelyn
Cosmosophy Rudolf Steiner
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