I’d like speak again about solstices and equinoxes, the seasons, and the breathing between the earth and the rest of the cosmos. This is to provide a background for exploring a year’s flow of solstices and equinoxes, and some key planetary occurrences on the solstices and equinoxes of 2022 and 2023. This is not a comprehensive study of every planet and their aspects throughout the year. But, I’ll be pointing out Jupiter throughout the year, and how it, and some other planets, asteroids, and aspects relate to the breathing phases of the seasons. We’ll be looking at charts from my location, here in Ecuador, at the time of the solstices and equinoxes, using 0º Aries ascendant.
Obvious to our five senses, the rhythmic seasonal living processes of the seasons have definite effects on the life of plants, the feeling life and actions of animals, and individual soul moods of people. On a global level, the rhythmic alternation of the lengths of days and nights, and the variations of temperatures during the solstices are opposite in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. At an equinox – Spring in one hemisphere, and Autumn in the other, there is an equilibrium of light, darkness, and temperature.
Even the different layers of the atmosphere change during the seasons. I’ve mentioned before, the 1971 meteorological studies work, Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere, a report on 200 radar probes into the upper atmosphere during a ten year research project. During the summer, the signals echoed back strongly from an altitude of about 80 kilometers. In the winter, there were only weak signals echoing back. This was found to be true in both hemispheres. The seasonal weather phenomena, air pressure, strength and direction of wind currents, temperature, and the interactions of various gases, also show they are part of the global seasonal cycle.
This kind of study is different from what is usually taught in the upper grades.
As school children, most of us have been taught only the outwardly observable scientific explanations of what the relationship of the earth is to the sun. Namely, as the earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits the sun, one hemisphere during its summer is more exposed to the sun’s rays than the other hemisphere, which is in its winter.
In June, the Northern hemisphere is leaning towards the sun, receiving its rays more directly and intensely, while the Southern half is leaning away from the sun. The sun also rises higher in the summer sky, than during the other seasons, so more rays are permeating the atmosphere for a longer period of time, each day. The reverse is true in December, when the Northern half is leaning away from the sun, while the Southern Hemisphere is leaning toward the sun.
Now, consider everything I’ve mentioned so far as being the outward physical manifestations of spiritual phenomenon. The seasonal cycle is also the breathing process of the earth with the rest of the cosmos. According to anthroposophical research, and other spiritual teachings, this breathing process affects the soul of the earth.
As new growth comes about in the springtime hemisphere, the life and soul forces begin to ascend out of the earth. They are “exhaled” out into the atmosphere, and the cosmos. This exhaling continues throughout
the summer. In autumn, the inhalation of these forces begins in the corresponding hemisphere. By winter, the deepest inhalation occurs.
The spring and autumn equinoxes are the still points between inhalation and exhalation. These times of equilibrium are often described superficially as being the same, or very similar. However, if we give attention to the inner world, as well as the outer world, we feel and know that the spring equinox brings a sense of hope and potentiality, as the autumn equinox brings a sense of expectation and preparedness.
On earth, we can imagine this breathing between the solstices and equinoxes as a lemniscate pattern of between the northern and southern hemispheres. Not only are the earth’s life, soul, and spiritual forces breathing in and out, the spiritual life forces of the sun are being inhaled and exhaled. The earth’s deepest inbreath of the sun’s forces are during our winter. Just as life on earth sleeps during winter, and there is much activity within the earth, we feel the warmth of spirit inwardly active within ourselves, which we celebrate in various cultural ways. Everywhere, festivals of light are held around the winter solstice. The reason for this includes, and goes beyond the agrarian realities of the availability of food, for there exists an inner knowing, or feeling-sensing of the spiritual realities in the world, and within ourselves. During the summer, as life and soul forces flow outwardly, we tend to give ourselves over to the abundance of nature and the warmth of the sun. At the furthest point of outbreath, we have to work harder to focus on our own inner light and warmth, instead of losing ourselves to the outward manifestations and display of light and warmth.
We are now at a point in our evolution when we can be consciously aware, instead of just instinctually aware of the processes in the cosmos, and our relationship to them. We can also observe the manifestations of impulses for evolution and devolution. When I describe forces as positive, they are for evolution, and as negative, for devolution. As I said, it’s easy to talk of inhalation and exhalation of the earth and sun, in regards to the life forces and the seasons. But, what else is being inhaled and exhaled? The sun is not only the source of warmth and light, but also of life. Behind warmth is love, behind light is consciousness and thought, and behind life is being and will.
The rhythm between sun and earth is not only the breath that is intrinsic to each other, but also to the rest of the cosmos. The sun is the heart of the solar system. All the planets have their own natures and influences. The sun is the harmonizer, regulator, and disseminator of the planetary impulses. Through the sun, all these are breathed into us, and we breathe out into the world and the cosmos through the Sun. As these processes exist outwardly, they are intrinsic to our own natural being and inner life, as manifested in our hearts.
Whether we harmonize and regulate, in our lives, or not; whether we love, or not; whether we consciously connect with ourselves and others, or not, is all breathed out into the world and cosmos. All that is not good for the planetary worlds is burnt up, as it were, by the sun, to help keep harmony in the system. Yet, we are karmically responsible for these shortcomings, and need to transform ourselves accordingly. When there is a solar eclipse, negative forces make their way untransformed into the soul and spirit worlds of the planets. When there is a lunar eclipse, influences of planetary and other beings who feed off of our negative feelings, thoughts, and deeds will easily inspire those of us who are predisposed to doing evil.
I bring this particular breathing up, because of the last set of eclipses, and those coming up in 2023. There will be Lunar eclipses on May 5 and October 28, 2023. The solar eclipses will occur on April 20 and October 14, 2023. I won’t be going into these eclipses, except to say that they act as valves in the breathing between the earth, the sun, and the rest of the cosmos.
From a certain point of view, the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a year. Just as a baby’s first breath is considered to be its first entry into the world, we can say that from the Autumn equinox to the Winter Solstice is the first inbreath for the earth, and all that lives upon the earth. From this perspective let us explore the year by looking at the Winter Solstice of 2022, Spring Equinox, Summer solstice, and Winter Equinox, of 2023.

Winter solstice of 2022 was magnificently marked just hours before, by Jupiter’s re-entry into Aries. At this point
of a deepest inward breath, Jupiter entered Aries, the beginning of a new zodiacal cycle, forming a waxing Square to the Sun. Jupiter’s move through Pisces brought the dreaming of future possibilities, and the magnified exposure of the obstructions to that future. In Aries, Jupiter brings new understanding and meaning which fuels exuberance, positivity, and a feeling of capability. A sense of opportunity and newness permeates the air.
There is an urge to take decisive action to turning visions into reality.
The expansiveness of Jupiter lives positively through our ethics, justice, wisdom, and enthusiasm. In Aries, our individual egos are appealed to, and are activated by opportunities that come to us from outside, as we expand out into the world. The flip side of this are challenges, which call us to exercise and question our abilities, as we expand their expressions out into the world. Jupiter teaches us how challenges are opportunities, giving us drive and courage. Jupiter can also manifest as hubris, blind over-extension, over-optimism, over-positivity, over-indulgence, and impulsiveness. These kinds of expressions of optimism are inspired, filled, and cloaked with self-righteousness and justifications.
On the day of Jupiter’s ingress into Aries, it was in waxing Square aspect to the Sun, Mercury was in a waning Quintile, and Mars in a waxing Quintile to Jupiter. Jupiter’s opportunities and challenges to the sustainment of our personal sense of purpose and power gives creative crises between what we have built as our ego, and towards what we are expanding ourselves.
The dispositor is Mars, which was in Gemini at the time of Jupiter’s ingress into Aries. The self-initiating impulse to apply our energy towards desires, and the fulfilling of Venusian values and esthetics was raised to the mental plane, giving energy to what and how we expand out into the world through communication, travel, making connections, and networking. Negatively, Mars in Gemini can disperse our attention, will, and activities in too many directions, weakening ourselves and whatever we intend, no matter how positive the intentions may be.
The Jupiterian crusader for a cause can become a militant creating chaos and destruction instead of real change that benefits everyone.
The questions that arise with Jupiter in Aries/Mars in Gemini put before us challenges to our enthusiasm for doing things just because we can. Most of these challenges are born from the results of previous actions, social practices, and policies. To the degree we decide, desire, and intend, based on unconscious likes and dislikes, and unthinking identifications with blood, nation, and religion, the likelihood is greater for an expansion of deploying technology towards the undermining, if not destruction of others. This technology is basically about how we use our words, and how we attain our aims. We either use it to build each other up to expand our possibilities in our personal relationships and our communities towards a cosmopolitan, all-inclusive and accepting world, or we use it to empower our separate personal and collective identities and intentions at the expense of others. Of course, both of these directions will be taken by individuals, groups, and entities simultaneously. Later today, Mars goes direct. The gathering will forces towards ones values and ideals, as I’ve described them, start to wake into action. A new sense of understanding, arising from deeper soul intentions, motivates us to take a new direction regarding old unresolved issues.
Mercury’s waning Quintile to Jupiter is a call for a creative transformation of thinking and communicating called for
by whatever ways we are expanded into transpersonal realms. We have to keep in mind that this exists on both individual and collective levels. Mars in waxing Quintile aspect to Jupiter is also a call for creative transformation.
During Jupiter’s last 5 month traverse through Aries, it will cross over the slower Chiron and Eris. Meanwhile, Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus will also cross these points. Whatever ways Jupiter’s expansion and magnification bring to our wounds, violations, and vulnerabilities, they can help bring healing, and encourage us to look beyond ourselves. This is the opportunity to ask the Parcival question, “What ails thee?” This expression of interest is the foundation of service to others, which is required to attain the Holy Grail. Are we awake enough to ask this question of others? Of other countries? Of ourselves? The assertion of self out of fear, and attempts to be first at everything, are overcompensation’s.
Eris, also in Aries, points to where and how we need to gain strength and courage to face the world. While Jupiter crosses over Chiron on March 12, in the 15thº of Aries, new opportunities arise for healing deep-seated wounds. As these old wounds resurface we will have the opportunity to feel and acknowledge the previously neglected, unprocessed, and hidden issues to start or continue a healing process. Jupiter will help us gain a bigger picture of the role of wounds and healing have in our personal and collective evolution,
thus helping to make healing more accessible. This is also a time to come across, or revisit new teachings, or a teacher, or mentor. Jupiter conjuncts Chiron every 17 years, or so, and in Aries, every 47 years on average.
Venus is also conjunct Jupiter and Chiron at the beginning of March bringing in relationship and security issues to the fore. Impulsive approaches towards what we value or love can bring out inconsiderate behavior, or altruism is felt, but may not extend beyond one’s own needs. Or, altruism develops as part of a need to heal ourselves and our relationships. There is a need to look for deeper qualities in the other to find meaningfulness. Some will feel a need to develop openness and vulnerability to start a healing process in their relationships.
Jupiter was last with Chiron in Aries back in March 1975 – March 1976. Some things to think about relative to our current affairs are:
1st Mars landing photo – newest Mars photos
Apple was founded – A I development
US weather and bio-warfare programs were suspended
Cryptographic key protocols developed — blockchain today
H1N1 vaccine fiasco — vaccine controversy today
The term “meme” was developed
1st Lyme disease diagnosis
Bill gates founds Microsoft
Assassination attempts on Gerald Ford — “Hang Mike Pence”, Nancy Pelosi, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer
Weather Underground bombing — Proud Boys, et al
Watergate Scandal — Trump attempted coup, taking secret documents & everything else he does
Mars Viking I launch
Roe v Wade- 73-74 — now effecting policies
Jimmy Hoffa disappears — contemporary truckers striking
This is a bit of a rabbit hole, so to move on:
Eris will be in Aries for a little more than 25 years, marking the end of its 560 year cycle, pointing to its connection to humanity’s evolving individuated consciousness. The beginning of this cycle coincided with the rise of individuation. Think of the European Renaissance and reformation, and the rise and subsequent time of scientific and technological progress. This sinking deeper into materialistic thought and inventiveness, and how they influenced subsequent lifestyles, have powerfully affected our thinking and how we view and apply ourselves
in the world. Eris gives recognition of our own and others’ personifications of positive qualities, resourcefulness, and the desire for self-improvement. This Goddess of discord shows that collectively, we still have a way to go to evolve beyond impulsive personhood, as did Eris. To whatever degree this recognition is not given, feelings of revenge, jealousy, and rivalry arises, and strife ensues, as symbolized by the ignored fairy godmother in Sleeping Beauty, which is a transformed rendition of the Greek myth. All this will gain in intensity and importance as Pluto goes through Aquarius.
Saturn will enter Pisces on March 8. Pisces is the culmination of the zodiacal process, and Saturn brings discernment, definition, and clarity to our dreams, which aid us in manifesting them. However, we are obligated to our past actions, feelings, and thoughts. Those that are negative and not in service to forward evolution are unconsciously living in us, and constantly rise up and create suffering. This is a time to pay attention to our intuitions. The tendency to take life seriously may give us a melancholic air, or we may be indecisive and moody. Suffering at the hands or words of others must be carefully discerned as to be either the result of our own actions, or as lessons for establishing clear boundaries.
Guilt and shame are stubborn stumbling blocks. Besides getting clear about our own dynamics around guilt and shame, we need to learn not to identify with other people’s troubles, nor any negativity. The gift of such healing within ourselves is the ability to responsibly serve others.

The Vernal Equinox occurs on March 20, 2023. The spiritual and soul forces have been in-breathed. They have been taken in and worked upon, or not. This time is a moment of calm before the outbreath. All that was taken in through mutable nurturing water is about to breathe out through cardinal inspirational fire. The new cycle initiates impulsively. In three days, Pluto enters fixed mental Aquarius. Calling for rebirth through breaking any outmoded or crystallized forms of self-definition, and rejecting anything that defines ourselves
and society. This calls for detached, objective re-thinking about ourselves, and all our social forms, so we can think about future possibilities. Dissatisfaction about what hasn’t been acted upon or changed will be ever more apparent during this 21 year transit.
There is much available to read and listen to about this transit, so I will speak briefly about it. Suffice it to say, Pluto in Aquarius will be the overshadowing impulse for transformation for the next 21 years. The first 7 year phase of Pluto’s cycle begins a few days after the solstice. We’ll see ideological conflicts between the future and past.
The impulsive feelings and actions of people who hold either direction will be the drama on the stage. The next 7 years, will bring about opportunities for a transformed collective emotional mood setting the stage for the next group of seven years for new ways of thinking and doing. The other side of rebirth is death and destruction. This time of Pluto in Aquarius is a time for rethinking who we are, and what we have created, that will be preparation for our experience of standing before an abyss, while Pluto is in Pisces, deciding whether, or not, to surrender to a new spiritual reality. Pluto moving into Aries will be the start of new unknown directions.
Pluto in Aquarius will give a foreshadowing of the future when the Vernal equinox goes into Aquarius, which is when we will be most seriously faced with the decision to take a path toward cultivating our spiritual-moral individualism, or to fall into an abysmal future of self-deluded and empty human-animal existence, or Trans-humanist existence.
A week after the equinox, Mercury is conjunct to Jupiter and Chiron in Aries. Intelligence and mental reckonings take on the quickening expansive Jupiterian perspectives in the Cardinal fire of Aries. This will fuel tempers and passions in conflicts over what is true. Rash impulsiveness of emotions are felt, and projected upon others, especially in issues around wounds, crimes, trauma, insults, and acts of revenge. This will also fuel a quickening of thought and insight based on values and the seeking of depth and ideals, helping to bring about healing and furthering evolution.
Venus will have been conjunct the Lunar NN at the equinox, bringing in the intentions of personal values and sense of worth. The tension between the two differing attitudes will be experienced within individuals themselves, in personal, and other social relationships. For the first 3 weeks of April, Jupiter conjuncts the Sun—exactly on the 11th. The air of optimism, enthusiasm, largesse, and magnanimity is intensified, as are feelings of vitality, authority, and love. There is also a magnification and intensity of pride, overindulgence, and religiosity for those who are susceptible.
On May 16, Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus right before midnight. Taurus calls for a grounding of Aries impulses. Jupiter in Taurus calls us to make real practical action to materialize our ideals and goals. We will be called to learn to trust as we take step-by-step approaches to get to our desired end results. We will also be called to concretely recognize that the answers we seek, and the power to accomplish our goals live within ourselves.
We have to push aside all distractions and put our trust in the wisdom that lives within ourselves, and that we are supported in our aims as we diligently work upon ourselves. This is a wake up call to recognize, and put into practice, the taking two steps toward our inner moral growth for every step we take towards spiritual growth.
This keeps us grounded, balanced, and humble.
This will be especially clear when Jupiter goes retrograde September 5 through December 30, 2023. The retrograde period will be a good time to re-evaluate our goals, and our methods to reach them. We must face the tough questions, and answer them to refine and stabilize plans, so that they are sustainable. As much as we feel charitable and sympathetic as the power of positive thinking is in the air, we must be aware of any tendency towards extravagance, over-optimism, and hubris.
The focus on ideals, goals, and the materializing of them will be determined by each person’s basis for identity, security, and values. The ideals and goals of people whose security is determined through their identity through religion, political leaders, celebrities, race, nation, fear, and hate will be as focused upon and enthused about, as those whose security is determined upon a sense of individuality based on the degree of mastery of their own thinking, feeling, and doing.
What I wrote about Jupiter’s process of pruning in 2021, still holds true today. Jupiter points to the future, expanding us to become what we intrinsically are, and what we can be. It connects us with cosmic thoughts, and the wisdom we have accrued over lifetimes. It is our enthusiasm, our reaching out to the world and beyond. This lives within the bounds of our Saturnian definition of self and the world, as we envision our activities in the world. A retrograde period is a time to revisit what we have become within, and what we have created in our expansion out into the world. In this reflective time, we may gain insight to expand in a true and productive way in the garden of our lives.
Sometimes it is wise and necessary for a gardener to prune a tree. As it is true for trees, it is also true for us. Just as dead, diseased, and damaged limbs and branches should be cut from a tree, our obsolete and destructive behaviors need to be stopped. For the tree, growth forces are then more available for new healthier growth. When we stop bad habits, our forces are also freed up for new habits of our choosing. In fact, we become freer, as our consciousness, emotions, and actions are not directed by the psycho-emotional dynamics behind the negative habits. Thus, we are freer to expand out into the world.
Gardeners who create espaliered trees use this knowledge to enhance a tree’s productivity of fruit, making it easier for harvesting, and to fit a more symmetrical aesthetic. We can use our knowledge to shape our inner life to make ourselves more productive. Bonsai is a related activity, except that what is pruned, both healthy and unhealthy, is aimed to direct the growth forces to create natural shapes, even transforming a young plant to look like an ancient old tree. We can say this is like purposely following a path of self-development.
We come into this world with whatever degree of wisdom we have accrued, and throughout life’s trials and pains we develop wisdom. During Jupiter’s retrograde period, we go inward to find the voice of wisdom urging us to get real with ourselves and the world. What habits do I need to let go of, and what new habits do I want to develop? What relationship dynamics do I need to cast off, so I relate in the way I truly want?
What is one’s psychological parallel to pruning healthy growth to create a desired aesthetically pleasing shape?
It can be argued that pruning is a Saturnian gesture. There is truth in this, but the inner knowledge that recognizes what is desirable for soul and spiritual growth is the foundation for personal discernment and discipline. The discernment and discipline to create new habits is also Saturnian. The sign and house in which Saturn and Jupiter, especially when Jupiter is retrograde will give us the information to answer the above questions.
It is our inner wisdom which allows us to recognize the answers.
In the last week of May, Mars makes a waxing square from Jupiter, and opposes Pluto, while Jupiter is in a waxing square to Pluto. Instead of thinking in terms of octaves, I prefer thinking of Mars as conscious will as opposed to the unconscious will of Pluto. Mars opposing Pluto means that it is conjunct Pluto’s polarity point.
The soul intentions for forward future evolution is now energized with desire and initiative born of inspiration.
It will be in Scorpio, which focuses the will towards determination in a magnetic way, that is potentized by whatever degree of self-discipline one has. Mars opposing Pluto wants to give one’s evolutionary intent social meaning. We must find a social form or framework to place ones will towards.
This means working alongside others in some capacity. This will bring confrontations, clashes,
and lessons about power—one’s own and that of others. Positively, we will develop more awareness of social realities, of our own power, and how to use it selflessly.
Mars in waxing Square to Jupiter calls us to move ahead with the new social expansive Jupiterian thoughts,
that are being called through rebuilding new foundations of social and personal meaning by Jupiter’s waning Square to Pluto.
This particular trio calls us to endeavor to trust our abilities to accomplish things. This is a call to not so much contain our drives, but let them take over. Of course, the qualities of our actions will depend on the degree of self-development and mastery we have of ourselves. We may be uncomfortable with our own vitality, or the vitality of others, because of a fear of going too far in aggressiveness.
If we can allow ourselves to be consumed by our own energy, then great accomplishments may be manifested. Negatively, we’ll see those who are overaggressive and difficult, or impossible to harness, due to their thoughtlessness of others as they seek to fulfill their own agendas.
On June 1, Mars still squaring Jupiter, which will also conjunct the Lunar NN. The intentions that have been developing since the conjunction between the lunar NN and Pluto in November 2010, are now magnified with Jupiter’s enthusiasm and the urge to rebuild from the past, by putting new ideas into reality. This will be a time for finding teachers right for your particular stage on your path, or others who support your path and intentions.
On another level, people will gravitate easily to each other’s side, all according to their soul nature.
This is an “all or nothing time” making the division wider between people of differing mindsets, especially those who are endeavoring to align themselves with trans-personal truths, and those who are defending dogma, or agendas of any kind.

Summer solstice occurs on June 21. Jupiter will be in Square aspect to the Moon and Septile to the Sun. The new forms one wants to expand into being will be experienced in some kind of crisis in the face of past forms, whether within ourselves, or in our environment. This may lead to aligning oneself to a higher spiritual purpose through a personal sacrifice, or social ostracism in the fulfillment of personal destiny, or compulsive and inexplicable needs and social forces bring the unexpected.
On the Solstice, Jupiter will be in waxing sextile to Saturn, as Saturn is in waning Trine to the Sun, and in Quincunx to the Moon. Life’s potential is focused and defined creatively as a social release by Saturn through the use of one’s understanding and abilities. This will focus consciousness through clarifying one’s concepts of self, and others. The impulses of Jupiterian social activity and Saturnian defining of identity and security gives rise to a constructive application of understanding towards instinctive development and growth.
Retrograde Pluto is still in a Square relationship with the Lunar Nodes, but has moved from being in Sextile with the Sun, to being in Quincunx with the Sun. What has been developed as a sense of special purpose will now be brought through a process of clarification and readjustment. This process consists of questioning oneself and one’s abilities, one’s sense of purpose, and how to connect it to others. Those who do not question themselves, and justify their stance and actions will be stuck in a cycle of self-inflation and false security, yet feel unfulfilled.
In those who have awoken in humility will find it easier to connect their sense of purpose with social needs. Part of this clarification is through questioning the status quo, which is defined by each person’s evolutionary state.
The perception of what is the status quo will be highly polarized, and dissatisfaction and divisiveness accelerate during the retrograde period.
Mars in waxing Square to Uranus awakens the power to breakthrough social constraints. Tempers will fly, and either impulsive independence ignores positive and solid foundations in relationships and social structures, and destroys too much, or anger stirs the pot and motivates real change, based on meaningful values – Venus conjunct Mars. Most likely, both will be acted out. For some, breaking personal or societal restraints for unconventional emotional release can be quite sexy. Unfortunately, for those inclined, sexual violence will rise, as will the anger regarding violence. Positively, the power and purpose behind our values and ideals is creatively released, to make drastic changes in ourselves and society.
On July 12, the lunar NN moves into Aries inspiring and encouraging us to not be afraid to take a stand for what one senses as higher truth. This begins with standing tall as an individual rather than being an extension of someone, or something else. This placement brings on lessons of self consciousness, and the price for prior indecisiveness. For some, this will mean dropping the attitude of having to fight for survival, and replace it with focusing on the positive thoughts and conditions that helped develop one’s individuality. This goes hand-in-hand with overcoming a sensitivity to the criticisms, disharmonious actions, or needs of others. Think of Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: Be Impeccable With Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, and Always Do Your Best. One’s own tranquility will be challenged by, yet found in the balancing the need to be with others, and the need to be alone.
On July 23 through September 4, Venus is retrograde. The values that have been established, or still developing, and are needed in the search for personal meaning, and for being in relationships with others, are being more deeply internalized. Unconscious motivations arise, as do urges to move against the perceived normal direction of life. Feelings of wanting to emotionally retreat or withdraw may come up. The purpose of this would be to clarify one’s values, self value, and meaning, so we can act accordingly, and be involved only in relationships that reflect such values and meaning. How do we love? What do we love? Do we see beauty in the world? Are we satisfied with what we have, and with who we are? The last week of August/ 1st week of September, Mars will go into Libra, urging action upon such values, self worth, and in our equanimity in ourselves, and outwardly in our relationships. How will we bring the love that we are and have, out into the world?
The exhalation of human soul activity out into the world around us and into the spiritual world has reached its fullest. Reflections and questions about what we have done towards our karmic gifts and challenges we inhaled from the cosmos are to be considered. What have we given to the spiritual world through our thoughts, feelings, and actions? Have they been nutritious to the spiritual world, and will be given back to us and the world as positive and helpful towards forward evolution? Or will they be rejected, and the negativity reflected back to us to deal with? The answers, both positive and negative, recognized and not, will come to us to deal with in the Autumn.

At the Equinox, Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn is in waxing Trine to Sun, which has just gone into Libra. Even though they are in different elements, there is a 3º orb, which carries the essential quality of the Trine. The manifesting through growth and expansion of creating and establishing one’s purpose in expressing one’s values, and in relationship, especially through strength of will, is supported by the Sun entering into Cardinal Libra. This shows the need to eliminate conditions and dynamics that hinder one’s personal power and creative individual expression. Those who live in this way, usually support others to do the same. Yet, there are those who involve themselves with others and situations for the purpose of living vicariously through the power of another, or through agreed upon agendas for power. These are living out impulses of devolution.
Virgo Mercury’s waning Sesquiquadrate to Pluto brings out the creative activity between the intellect and its communication in service towards renewal and elimination of social regulations, laws, customs, rules, and customs. The element of crisis comes out in those who speak out against these norms, those who endeavor to senselessly break everything down, and those who are compulsively holding onto the status quo. Confrontations between these people are intensified by Uranus retrograde in Taurus in waxing Trine to Pluto, and Mercury in waxing Trine to Uranus. Internal instability, disruption, change, and inventiveness are operating in individual and collective psyches.
Mars in Libra is in opposition to Chiron in Aries. The way we express our will, desire, and passions in the realm of relationships brings out, and provides paths toward our personal and social wounds. 54 years ago, Chiron entered Aries, as did Mars a couple of months earlier. This was in the middle of the occurrence of riots in several US cities, all based on issues of racial inequality. This is being revisited by the fearful perceptions and backward policies preventing the teaching about racial inequality and its history in the US. The prevention of so-called Critical Race Theory also prohibits the teaching about, and the involvement of those of the LGBTQ-etc. communities. Those who see equality in all people are those who will help heal this particularly deep wound. This is, of course, another aspect of the US Pluto return, and its entry into Aquarius.
54 years earlier, in 1918, Chiron was in Aries. The Segregation Era was at its height in the US, and the Great Migration African-Americans poured into industrial cities to fill labor shortages created by WWI, and gained more voting power. By the 20s the NAACP evoked the “New Negro”, and lobbied aggressively for a federal anti-lynching law. From 1918 to 1920, the Flu pandemic infected 500 million worldwide and resulted in 50 million deaths, 675,000 in the US. Blacks were given substandard care, and even in death, their bodies were neglected by the white infrastructure.
Pre-Civil War 1860, when Chiron was in Aries, the term “United States” was a plural noun. In Lincoln’s first inaugural address in 1861, he used the word “Union” 20 times, and the word, “nation” not once. On July 4, 1861, Lincoln addressed Congress using the word “Union” 32 times, and “nation” only three times. In his second inaugural address, Lincoln spoke of one side seeking to dissolve the Union in 1861, and the other side accepting the challenge of war to protect the “nation”. This wound, and all that is connected with it is still with us today. This aspect of the US Pluto return manifests the karmic law of all that which is not healed, will raise its head again. Not only are racial issues still alive today, the reemergence of state separatism is strong, with outward denial of the obvious racial elements lurking in the minds and intentions of the supporters.
Going further back with Chiron’s cycles is a work in itself, but I do want to note that the first African slave to set foot on North America, known as Esteban was one of 4 survivors of a failed expedition to Florida. He, and 3 others, including Cabeza de Vaca walked all the way to a Spanish colony in Mexico, after surviving slavery by an indigenous chief. They returned in 1536, a year that Chiron went into Aries. Anyway, let’s move on to other things.
On the Autumn equinox, Venus in Leo will be in waxing Square to Jupiter. Values, and the impulse to love unconditionally and magnanimously is given the power of compassion in Venus’ waxing trine to Chiron, and her productivity through the waning Sextile to Mars. Otherwise, the individual and social wounds and traumas which have not been healed will be expressed with negative Venusian biting jealousy and spite, and given a face of magnanimous propaganda with over-compensatory confidence.
Halfway through Autumn, on Oct.14 is a Solar eclipse at 21º Libra, and a Lunar eclipse at 5º Taurus on the 28th. Pluto goes direct three days before the Solar eclipse. The cosmic reply to all human experience that has been breathed out since Spring will now be on the inbreath. All that is related to the karma of our thoughts, actions, and feelings in our relationships to self and to the other, and which are nutritious to the spiritual world, or not, comes back to us. At the Lunar eclipse, those who are predisposed to the devolutionary impulses will be inspired to keep to their course. They will be following their own logic based on justifications to keep their agendas of power, control, and security.
The positive evolutionary impulses exhort us to find equanimity in the developing and maintaining of our values and life-meaning within ourselves, and manifested in all our relationships. For those who are on this path, these eclipses will recharge and give impetus for further growth.
On a related note, this is right before the next state and congressional elections in the US, which will set a tone, or determine a reaction for the presidential election in 2024.

The Moon will be within 5º of exact conjunction to Jupiter, and is in waxing Square to Pluto. The instinctual ability to adapt and develop to maintain oneself, and to establish relationships to actualize one’s purpose will be instinctually expressed for the purpose of self discovery. This process is part of eliminating external dependencies in order to develop one’s own internal security. These dependencies may be on other people or circumstances, or one’s own emotional dynamics.
Self knowledge and healing arises from crises, to the degree that there is no denial or rejection of the feelings of insecurity.In the next day, or so, the Moon will be crossing Jupiter, then Uranus, as it opposes Venus. These transits will emphasize the call for a wider perspective, which will create a dramatic break from anything that hinders one from the rebirth of self value and esteem. Otherwise, dramatic, even traumatic situations will break people away from their source of external security. Whichever direction one will take, their actions (Mars) will bring about a readjustment of their feeling life(Quincunx to Moon).
Venus in Scorpio is in Quincunx aspect to the Lunar NN in Libra, which is Conjunct Eris, and Trine Mars. The desire for self-improvement gives energy, a desire to persevere, and a sense of resourcefulness towards the readjusting of oneself to one’s evolutionary soul intentions. Otherwise, we’re in discord with ourselves, and project outwardly in quarrels and arguments, jealousy, and general discord with others. A worst case scenario would be causing discord, for the sake of creating discomfort, pain, or general chaos out of spite, or a twisted sense of control.
Over the years, my observations have shown that cycles do not exist in a static way, nor does human consciousness. We are at the stage of being able to develop a clear objective sense of “I” and of other, and recognizing the spiritual dynamics in ourselves, and in nature. The evolutionary states and conditions of each one of us are different. But generally, there are those who endeavor to consciously work as individuals, and those who are of a group consciousness. A divide is experienced between these two streams.
I have conversed with many people who experience time speeding up. This is due to the growing consciousness of our evolutionary growth. It is in this that the evolutionary gap is widening, especially between those who are endeavoring towards living, creating, and expanding what is true, good, and beautiful in life, and those who gravitate towards materialism, power, and control.
I say this, fully knowing that there are those who hold that power, and control are expressions of truth, goodness, and beauty, through a thoroughly materialistic view of the world.
There will be those who fall into the abyss of losing one’s humanity through the melding of computers and machine with the human body, or by devolving into a more animalistic existence.
We live in a proverbial ‘interesting time”, in which the devolutionary forces are more intense, and we must strengthen our powers of discernment and decision making towards forward.
With this in mind, I will leave you with a verse from Rudolf Steiner:
We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future.
We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world-directive, full of wisdom.
It is part of what we must learn in this age, namely, to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence-trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do, if our courage is not to fail us.
And, let us seek the awakening within ourselves, every morning, and every evening.
Rudolf Steiner
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