Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, and Co-Dependence
There is much talk about cosmic lovers, or twin souls when talking about Venus in conjunction to Mars. Many want one, and to be one. This is all well and good. However, from another perspective, when what we value is given expression and is driven through our desire and will, we become more beautiful, loving, and desirable. We are then more attractive to ourselves, and to those who also have also a healthy sense of self and the world. On an earthly level, becoming our own cosmic lover is the path. The Christ being, as that which is the creator of our “I”, is indeed our “I”, as our higher “I”. On another level, our higher self is this hoped for lover. Our Guardian angel is also our cosmic lover, and the very best friend we could ever hope for. The rest is a romantic dream.
September 30, 2019
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