Recognizing the Rhythms of Unfolding in Our Biography

Every now and then, we find ourselves at decisive points in our lives. We come to crossroads and crises, and wonder why we have to experience such pain and difficulties Right? Self knowledge is the basis for healthy self-sustainment — and our further evolution as individuals. Every moment of our lives, starting with the circumstances of our birth, even our conception, are part of the thread that runs throughout our biography. Was I planned, or a surprise? Was I wanted? Was my birth comparatively easy, or difficult for both me and my mother? Was I a preemie?

How do these experiences relate to the myriad of further experiences in our lives? Once we begin to recognize there are rhythms of unfolding in our biography, then the possibilities for greater self awareness arise, and we find new energy and enthusiasm within ourselves.

It is possible to see the rhythms in our life’s unfolding are archetypal in nature. For they mirror the rhythms that are found in the cycles of nature here on earth, and in the different, but related cycles of the planets, stars, and other bodies, and their interweaving relationships. These cycles and interrelationships are observable and studied in nature, if we pay attention. We can recognize them in our inner life through the experience of changing time. These realities are internalized within us, unfolding in ways that are common to all, yet also in accordance to our individual karmic needs and necessities.

So, biographical work is a way of looking at one’s life chronologically through the archetypal seven year cycles, and the interweaving cycles of other bodies. Every cycle has a beginning, a middle, an end. There are results from the processes, and there are purposes for all that happens. As we review these stages of our lives, we ask ourselves how did this play out in my life? What have I learned about myself? How did my experiences reflect, or manifest the intentions of a particular cycle?

Once we begin to recognize the happenings in our lives coincide with certain points of a particular cycle, or phase, the question arises; what is so significant about these correspondences in my life? Through biography work we discover a common theme, or thread running through our lives. Of course, the thread has its different manifestations during each cycle or phase, but the deeper lessons we face each time all have a common purpose. During each phase of our lives, the things that interest us, motivate us, and what we sense as our purpose in life changes. Our knowledge of the world and of particular things, our schooling and upbringing, our other social encounters, in which culture, and in which times we live, all play a part in determining what our purpose in life is, and what intentions we make for our lives.

Behind these elements are the karmic realities of what we have already done, both in the present life, and in previous lives, and the karmic laws that demand balance of these karmic realities.