July 17, 2022

Alexandre Volguine, although born in Russia, was a leading French astrologer, in the 1st half
of the 20th century. He studied many ancient Arabic, Hindu, Hebrew, Chinese, and Pre-Columbian astrological traditions. He promoted the use of the Hindu navamsa chart view of the ninth-harmonic,the Arabic theory of Parts, and the interpretive subtleties of decanates.
Volguine held that all planets in a horoscope are to be seen as being in aspect to one another when placed in the correct framework. This is in keeping with EA’s view of the aspects being part of a whole 360º cycle.
Volguine, in his theory of Planetary Containments, placed an emphasis upon the sequence of the planets when proceeding through the zodiac in a horoscope, and how they sequentially operate through each other in their containment. He placed importance on planets that appear on either side of significant points, such as the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and Midheaven.
I’m writing about containments particularly in relation to the Lunar Nodal Axis, and using only a few asteroids in this presentation. We have to remember something that Jeffrey Green brought out:
When Pluto applies to the Lunar South Node, then the Pluto Polarity Point, the Lunar North Node, and its ruler must be integrated through the Lunar South Node, and it’s ruler. When Pluto applies to the Lunar North Node, then the Pluto Polarity Point, the Lunar South Node, and it’s ruler must be integrated through the Lunar North Node, and it’s ruler.
Keep in mind, I include the other planets and bodies in this equation of applying to the nodes.
I chose 3 random dates, June 21, July 1, and July 15 of this year, 2022. For each date I will start with the planetary containments that are applying to the SN, then those applying to the NN.

Pluto/Saturn/Neptune — People everywhere are under pressure, and are tending to reach clarity by focusing on one thing at a time. At best we can rise to be calm and self-possessed. There are needs to maintain control in situations, and abilities to create imaginative solutions and structures to meet challenges. At worst, in trying to maintain control of outworn, and/or untrue motives, we react to hardships and/or limitations by becoming dependent, depressed, and defensive.
Saturn/Neptune/Jupiter — Depending on what one’s focus is, taking care of the practicalities of our lives helps to open space to be open to and fulfill our intuitions and ideals, thus urging us to merge with others of like-intentions, or have them subverted by fantasies and outwardly determined intentions and their propaganda, which lead to further confusion and diffusion in relationships, except those relationships which are cemented by such delusions. The confusion of information, and the number of voices on the internet contribute to emotional cautiousness and detachment, or unbridled enthusiasm and confusion.
Neptune/Jupiter/Moon — Acceptance of responsibilities and commitments aid growth,
to the degree that idealism is maintained.This leads to enthusiasm and magnanimity in life. Negativity leads to confusion and disassociation. Imaginations based on shared ideals engenders enthusiasm, enlivening daily activities. When blind to these practical manifestations of enthusiasm and ideals, fanaticism arises, making people share only in illusions and in a glory of separateness.
Jupiter/Moon/Chiron/Mars — Excessive emotional natures are prone to rash and impetuous activities. Emotions run high. Exuberance based on ideals and wide perspectives aid constructive accomplishments that bring healing,
otherwise, excess of feelings based on unresolved trauma and pain bring about destructive actions.
Moon/Chiron/Mars/Eris/Uranus — People need a sense of freedom in order to feel they can act, otherwise they feel constricted and inhibited. Whether self-motivated or driven to action we are called to develop creative uses of our energy through routine and practical constructive ways, especially when facing that which is constricting.
Depending on the intensity of the constriction, reactions may take on a Kali-like destructive force, for the purpose of transformation, or lapse into erratic motions of uncontrolled violence. With Mars/ Eris conjunct in Aries discord heats up to the degree we don’t transform.
These planets West of the Lunar nodal axis have all been in last contact with the South Node, lastly with Pluto, thus are applying to the SN. The planets East of the nodal axis are applying to the NN. The last planet to be touched by the NN is Venus. Venus/Taurus is in waxing trine aspect to Pluto/Cap. This demands of us to utilize whatever self-aware creative self-actualization that we have developed up to this point in time.
We are called to create new realities that reflect evolutionary purpose that began at the last Venus/Pluto conjunction, last March (the Russian invasion of Ukraine started 1 week before exact conjunction, the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates 2.5% – 5% a week or so afterwards, and depending where one lives, the relative diminishing of the COVID pandemic, etc). These experiences have created conditions in which we are called to find new ways to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, and how to successfully enter into relationships.
This is a time for lessons about coming up against those individuals and social entities that have power over ourselves and others. Not only is the sustainment of relationships up for questioning, but the need to face and accept how one has defined the ways they relate, before the called for transformation can occur. This is true
on an individual and social level. This aspect calls for confrontation, in that it also arouses deep emotions and passions connected to what individuals and groups people have identified with. One question is: what will it take for many people to arouse their will to act beyond commenting on social media within a circle of like-minded friends?
Mars/Aries is the other ruler of the SN. It is in quincunx aspect to the SN, thus semi-sextile to the NN, and is approaching a waxing square from Pluto. This square calls for new consciously manifested forms-Mars.
This is a time of crises as people move forward while old compulsions and habits are held tight. The new takes on form for every step forward we take, but every step forward has to be fought for.
All that is unconsciously desired for further evolution Pluto gives rise to feelings that there is always more to accomplish. With this aspect, individuation, in its early stages of development can easily manifest as an impulsive “I don’t give a damn, I’m doing what I want!” attitude that attracts, and is attracted to others who have a similar attitude. A problem exists whenever there is a tendency to still have one’s thinking molded by the agendas of powerful personalities, or mob/group or collective dictate and expect. All this elaborates the tensions and conflict between the intentions of Cancer self-possessiveness, and Capricorn power and control,which are on stage with Scorpio & Taurus habits and intentions around power, values, maintenance, and transformation.
Issues of trust and betrayal is a main theme, forcing us to deeply understand the relationship between upholding love, truth, boundaries, and forgiveness.
Uranus in conjunction to the NN accentuates all that I’ve said, bringing more intensity as old traumas raise their heads to be transformed, and new traumas are created to the degree that the structures holding the old ones are not broken down and transformed. The sign of healing is when the new structures are actually put into place, and we learn the lessons that the initiation offered us. Otherwise, disease on a soul level, individually and collectively will continue to deepen, ever morphing into new symptomatic forms, thus providing the basis for physical diseases to arise. The exact conjunction will be just before midnight on July 31. A new cycle will start, and a new square occurs in June 2026. Whatever has been overlooked and not dealt with will arise again, but with a Pisces/Virgo nodal axis and Uranus/Gemini trining Pluto/Capricorn. The overlooked, ignored, or denied will bring harder lessons along with guilt and shame. What is dealt with will usher in healing, a growing sense of unity, responsibility, and commitment to purpose. Looking far forward, The NN will be squaring Pluto on New Year’s Eve 2024 Aries/Pisces, then conjunct Pluto in Aquarius in November of 2027. What fireworks will be in the air then?
Looking back, the last opposition was on April Fool’s Day 2019, and the last conjunction was on my birthday, November 13, 2010. Ironically, on April 1, 2019, the government of Japan announced the name of the new Imperial Era, Reiwa, “Order and Harmony”. The Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe told reporters the goal was to “choose a name that would lead to a new era brimming with hope.” In the light of this intention, and his possible connections with less than legal activities, it is sadly symptomatic that he was shot and killed a few days ago.Anyway, this particular cycle from the beginning of Capricornto the beginning of Aquarius is a study in itself.
Coming back to the present, Uranus and Venus straddle the NN— We are called to highly individualize our sets of values to be communicated, shared, and strengthened by the recognition of the value and worth of individualization itself. This gives rise to a shared appreciation and willingness to constructively work together. A focus on the feeling love for being an individual, different, even strange manifests in divisive destruction.
Venus/Mercury/Sun— These apply to the NN.
The forward moving Taurean intentions are marked by the appreciation of ideas and their communication, especially when thinking that is imbued with heart forces leads to shared meaningfulness and purpose. Negatively, lazy thinking manifests as egotism, and makes one prone to parroting shared theories, and/or infatuation with those who are found to be charismatic.

Planetary containments applying to lunar SN:
Pluto/Saturn/Neptune— In a certain sense it’s a mind-boggling reality that most people reach a clearer level of focus when under pressure, and forced to focus on one thing at a time. From another point of view, it is a testament to our ability to raise ourselves to a state of equanimity when under pressure. When we don’t, it is very easy to fall into the dynamics of maintaining control, whether through power and restrictions, and/or sublimating ourselves through fantasy.
Saturn/Neptune/Mars— When feeling confined or feeling limited, people will retreat into their imaginations, or jump into action. This is a time calling us to develop our patience. Our initiative is at its best when our ideals are to be realized. When we are clear-headed, our priorities arise more easily. The US Congressional Jan. 6 Hearings are a testament to this. For those who react instinctively and impulsively, actions are based on heated emotions triggered by memes, slogans, phrases, and key words, which have the illusion of thinking behind them.
Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron/Eris/Mars— whatever has been developed in the past 9 years and has become habitual, or necessary for the maintaining of identity and security has either developed towards enthusiasm and magnanimity towards life, or a tendency to bring more and more elements into life, leading to confusion.
People having either tendency will develop their individual ideals, and will want to put them into action. The enthusiastic will manifest their ideals constructively and energetically, out of the wisdom of past painful experiences, for the good of all. The ones who compensate for their painful past, and the confusion arising from not dealing with the pain, with an excessive idealism that will be aggressive and destructive.
Jupiter/Chiron/Eris/Mars/Uranus— People will engage wholeheartedly in what they are enthusiastic about. The danger is in taking on too much, or too many things at once. This can lead to inconsistent, even erratic activity and results. The need to act independently is strongly felt. This is good when self-motivated, either purely out of oneself, or out of an impulse to do good for the greater whole.
This will operate negatively in those whose identities, thoughts, and enthusiasms are borne from what has been adopted from a collective will.
Planetary containments applying to NN:
Venus/Mercury/Sun — This is a call to have a relaxed and easy manner that is borne out of having confidence in one’s values and self-worth, that arises from having a consciously thought out understanding of those values and sense of self. We are called to be aware of the flow of our thinking, and what it is we are communicating. This is an antidote to superficiality, and is a basis for being able to tune into meaningful inspirations. On the other hand, those who tend towards lazy thinking, will gravitate towards egotistical thinking, rigid thoughts and routines, which take the illusory place of having to think for oneself.
Mercury/Sun/Black Moon Lilith/Moon —The ability to express and communicate in a centered and purposeful manner while being able to be in touch with emotions is nurturing to self and others. Inconsistencies and
uncenteredness leads to imbalances in life and relations.
At this time, the oppressed, disregarded, and wounded feminine is in the fray. There is a call for a clear, centered, and direct voice for the feminine in general, and for women in particular. Lilith is also in sextile aspect to Uranus/NN, and square to Chiron, indicating the anger and impulse for breaking through stubborn obstacles, and the need for an Aries forcefulness behind an Uranian revolt.

July 15
The Planetary containments applying to the lunar SN:
Pluto/Moon/Saturn —Intense and/or impulsive situations and emotions force us to stop dwelling on the past, or future, and focus on the present that is the fruit of the past, and the seed for the future. From our past and our unconscious, we have strengths. We must embrace these, not hold back our emotions, for this will help us be organized and to express our needs in defined practical ways. Obsessive emotions lead to frustrations, depression, and fear, with can lead to paralysis of the will, or to give oneself over to the will of others who speak to our frustrations.
Moon/Saturn/Neptune— Learning to be in contact with our feelings aids us to calmly organize our daily lives. However, fears and self judgment set up limitations in ourselves, and in our endeavors, thus in our socio-political-cultural life. To the degree we are practical and effective in our daily lives we can fulfill our personal, social, and collective obligations and responsibilities. To the degree we fear, self judge, and create limitations, insecurities are created, and it’s easy to fall into fantasy, delusion, and all kinds of conspiratorial thinking.
Saturn/Neptune/Jupiter— The manner of our growth and expansion is determined by how we define our ideals, and whether, or not we hold ourselves back. Are we enthused by our ideals, yet hold back putting them into practice? Either we grow and expand by putting our ideals into practical practice, or we create confusion, and our motivations are nebulous. Any vacillation(because of fear) concerning living out our ideals will give rise to a reciprocal degree of confusion. Even the best laid plans may go awry.
Back on June 21 Venus was in trine relationship to Pluto, and Venus and Uranus were straddling the Lunar NN. By July 1, Venus had moved away from the Lunar NN and into Gemini. On July 15, Uranus and the Lunar NN are within 2º and the Moon will join Saturn in a Square to the Lunar Nodal Axis, and now to Uranus. The karma of all social restrictions and the rise of totalitarianism in various parts of the world are being seen for what they are by many, clarifying how they feel about it all, and defining what practical things are to be done. Those who are consciously or unconsciously perpetrating the social restrictions will also be thinking what they feel is defined. The Gemini dichotomy in society and other relationships will be strongly felt.
The Moon/Saturn square to the nodal axis and to Uranus will be triggering the emotions in this social dichotomy. As the Jan. 6 commission finalizes its reports, this will spur strong reactions, and hopefully decisive action. We’ll see what happens on August 1, 2022 when Uranus directly conjuncts the NN, and on Aug. 2 Mars Conj. Uranus, conjunct NN August 3rd, and the Moon will have moved to oppose Jupiter. The skipped step quality of this square points to all the ways that Aquarian ideals have been restricted, controlled, manipulated, and ignored. This points to what needs to happen.
The Aquarian Moon, two days after being full, accentuates what the planets, particularly Uranus, have brought since they were last were conjunct to the Lunar SN. Uranus was last conjunct the SN, interestingly on another April Fool’s Day, 2007, when Iranian protesters entered the British Embassy in Tehran smashing windows and burning the British Flag, over London’s sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program. April 2, 2007, Ukraine President Viktor Yushcenko dissolved the parliament, after calling for parliamentary elections on May 27. And another symptom of today’s divisive impulses, because of an extreme faction has been set up in the government of the US: the US supreme Court ruled that the EPA has the authority to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases, unless science proves otherwise, in 2007, but now has been overturned by the SCOTUS.
These world impulses are felt everywhere, manifesting according to the local situations. Here in Ecuador, the social dichotomy played out dramatically. For nearly 3 weeks, there has been a general national strike, or paro, led by a few indigenous groups, more or less united under CONEI, the Confederation of Indigenous People of Ecuador. It ended about a week ago. The indigenous had a set of 10 demands to which the Ecuadorean President replied that he wasn’t going to let Ecuador be taken hostage. The indigenous mobilized to block roads and highways, and paraded in the capital of Quito, and in Guayaquil, the two largest cities (3 million each). Propane gas, gasoline, food, and nearly all transport ceased between cities. There was violence in Quito and Guayaquil. Negotiations started again, but when a soldier was killed, the talks were stopped. Here in Cuenca, there were a few parades, tire burning in the streets, and trucks, buses, and taxis lined up blocking streets and stopping service for a couple of days. One person was killed when struck by a teargas canister. The paro was hurting businesses everywhere, the hospitals weren’t getting medicines and supplies. Negotiations began again towards the end of the strike, and compromises were made on both sides. There are rumors that a stronger strike will commence in October.
Side’s don’t matter, the drama in times of transformation are exceptionally strong, as the split between those who are hankering for a mythological past, or a future. The gap between materialistic thinking and spiritual thinking is widening. In all groups, including spiritually motivated ones, the play between holding onto past forms, and transforming toward a spiritual renewal of personal and social life is ever present. There are no real shortcuts outside of self-determined spiritual and moral development.
Our strength is in keeping firm in our love for truth, beauty, and goodness, while penetrating darkness with clear thinking, and keeping a balanced heart.

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