
Astrological Readings

Serving as a professional astrologer for over 40 years, I provide readings and consultations using natal, transit, progression, and synastric charts. I work with individuals, relationships, families, and organizations. I will support and guide you from a soul and spiritual perspective to help navigate your life’s journey and purpose. <link to EA.html>                        


Midnight Point utilizes biography work and karma studies, based on the insights of anthroposophical thought and Evolutionary Astrology. Life phase coaching for adults, parents and teachers to better understand and meet their children’s soul needs. <link to coaching.html>


Midnight Point Soul Alchemy offers two to five day workshops.  I assist groups of people who live or work together, focus on dynamics that enliven cooperation and healthy relating, to achieve their community goals. I offer workshops concentrating on various themes on biography, pedagogy, color, karma studies, and Evolutionary Astrology.


Do you wonder how the evolutionary unfolding of your life is intrinsically part of the working aims of the larger cosmos? 

Midnight Point presents From Karma to Self Mastery, a  Soul Alchemy retreat designed to build a foundation for a richer, more purposeful and harmonious life, tentatively scheduled to take place November 2021 in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Located in the Valley of Longevity, in an alcohol and substance free environment, you’ll feel deeply grounded nourishment as you harmonize body, soul, and spirit, and connect with your angel, or higher self.

A fabulous 12 days of rich insights, discovery, and fun activities, to discover how the cosmic timing of spiritual archetypes weave throughout our lives, and how to work with them. You will gain daily, weekly and monthly meditations for your spiritual toolbelt. Join us in the land of eternal spring to find self-fulfillment in your confidence in your ever-present, self-creative power. <link to retreats.html>

For more information: <>

Facilitator for Waldorf School Retreats

Having worked within Waldorf schools on different continents for the last 40 years, I provide an anthroposophical perspective along with a host of activities designed to enhance working relations, and community building. I am available to work with Waldorf school faculties, and/or board of trustees, to address specific aims or challenges of your unique situation. 

<link to retreats.html>


This will be an explaination of the giveaway