Six Necessary Exercises for Personal Growth

Healing Michael Pinchera

One of the doors to transformation in our lives is through a spiritual practice. Transformation cannot happen if we just understand the importance of having such a practice, because it wouldn’t be a practice, it would just be lip service. But, we all know that, right? There are a myriad of meditative, and other spiritual practices abounding in the world, yet it is a minority of people who take them up, even so, it is a growing minority. I’m not going to address the many different spiritual streams that exist. This will not include the use of sounds, or “vibrations” that work on us unconsciously. Instead, I am going to offer some very useful tools given by Rudolf Steiner, that may meet those who want to explore, or take up a path that calls for one’s fully wide awake understanding and full participation in their own development. If anything, they will help in having more peace and balance in life.

There are six basic exercises given by Rudolf Steiner. Ideally, each exercise is carried out carried out for one month. When the second exercise is practiced, it is added to the first, as then later, the third is added to the previous two, and so on. However, they may be practiced for a week, or even one day. The most important thing is that they are practiced. If practiced consistently, then they become a habit, a natural part of the day. A few minutes of practice for each one is all that is necessary, if there is enough focused attention. The length of time is best determined by one’s inner sense of it. It is best that these exercises are carried out at the same time every day. If this cannot happen because of your daily needs, then purposely choose a time, then do the exercises at that time.

1st month: Control of Thought
2nd month: Control of Will
3rd month: Developing Equanimity
4th month: Positive Attitude
5th month: Open-mindedness
6th month: Harmony

Repeat all the previous exercises in alternate sequences and combinations. This exercise harmonizes the effects of all the other exercises, and strengthens their effects. These exercises are simple, but the consistent act of carrying them out will most likely prove to be challenging. Even so, once they become habitual, or once you feel that something is amiss if you miss a day, then you can rest assured you are on the right track. You will also notice slight changes in your your habitual ways of responding to situations in the world.

When I learned about these exercises, I understood what the possibilities would be from practicing them, but it took the doing of them to actually make the changes in myself. Of course, I have very far to go. Self transformation is a long road, but I am consciously doing my part to transform (bit-by-bit) myself into someone who is purposely re-creating myself to help further the spiritual evolution of humanity.

November 4, 2017