Michael’s View on Astrology

 Astrology offers tremendous insights into what we as individuals have developed as soul beings, our current life purposes, and what we ultimately intend for our current life. It is a means to dive deeply to uncover soul intentions, and past dynamics of thought, feeling, and will, which have either promoted or prevented our optimal growth and fulfillment.

Michael’s view centers on the indications of our past life dynamics of security, our gifts, our deepest challenges, and our intentions for soul transformation. It is vitally important for us to understand how we as individuals, choose our complete set of circumstances we are born into. We are born with the need and desire to evolve. Astrology helps us to understand how this plays out in life, and what our intentions are for further growth.

 Evolutionary Astrology assists in understanding why we have our tendencies and attractions in life. Some things do not work positively in life, yet may continue as a repeating theme, until a particular lesson is learned, and the pattern is broken. All too easily we recreate what’s familiar, though not necessarily good for us. Evolutionary Astrology, through the lens of anthroposophy, unveil the ‘why’ and `how’ behind these patterns, offering insights and guidance, so we can freely determine our evolutionary path. Self knowledge, love, and freedom enable us to be self empowered to create a reality reflecting our deepest soul desires and intentions for this life.

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