August 6, 2021

Today is the memorial day of the bombing of Hiroshima. This was the result of materialistic thinking, and the accrued anti-human/anti-life impulses existing in humanity. Over 100 years ago, Rudolf Steiner brought an ancient Sanskrit mantra to the Western world.

More radiant than the sun
Purer than the snow
Finer than the ether
This is the self
The spirit within my heart
I am this self, this self am I.

This mantra, which I’ve practiced for 44 years, is a doorway to approaching the true nature of the human being. Today bring it to address the memorial to this tragic event in Hiroshima. I also include Nagasaki, all nuclear testing and development, and all wars since then.

More radiant than the sun

The inner nature of the human I, and its power as a source of love and creativity is more radiant than the sun, because the I can meet any situation and need with creative fluidity, bringing warmth, light, and life even when it is most dark, cold, and hopeless.

The highly intellectual materialistic interpretation of these words manifested in the blinding flash of nuclear explosions, described as like the sun, or like a thousand suns. 80,000 people were killed instantly in Hiroshima, and an estimated 140,000 died in the bombing. Three days later, in Nagasaki around 40,000 were killed instantly, and tens of thousands died in the blast. Many thousands suffered a lingering death from the radiation, and birth defects affected subsequent generations in both cities.

Purer than the snow

With rigorous attention we can experience the self as a fount of pure consciousness. All identifications and thought constructs have to be let go of to achieve this. The more we free ourselves from outer and inner compulsions, and are true to ourselves, the more we exercise freedom, and experience the fount of pure consciousness, which is ourselves.

Materialistically, we have reduced everything to the concept of the atom. This atomistic view of the world renders everything to be consisting of parts without meaning. All thoughts and feelings, as everything else, are reduced to the molecular, chemical and electrical manifestations with no meaning or purpose.

Finer than the Ether

This thought points to the experience of our “I-being” and consciousness as beyond anything material, electrical, chemical, even light, warmth, and life.
It is a common perspective to view everything as “energy”, including consciousness. This view cannot lead us to experience the true nature of our I, or consciousness.

This is the self, the spirit within my heart
I am this self, this self am I

There are those who experience this as a reality, and those who can at least conceptualize it for themselves. Those who experience it find it easier to regard others in the same light, as compared to those who merely conceptualize it. Those who can’t, or won’t open themselves to this experience or its possibility, often find themselves in a quandary regarding their self-worth, or the worth of other human beings.
We can experience ourselves as co-creative shining suns, or we can fragmentize and destroy all life with the power of a thousand suns.