Be Wakeful to Die. Die to Be Wakeful
Transformations happen instantly on screen through the magic of computer technology. We are inundated by these bewitching imaginations that seem to instantaneously come alive, and we are accustomed to this instantaneous gratification. Transformation is intrinsic to life. It happens all the time, except the magic is really alive and given meaning, because of the time it takes for transformation to occur. Over time, the necessary phases of minute changes take place, each giving rise to the next phase towards a complete transmutation into a new form, or process. We are surrounded by this in nature. Some are obvious in-our-face processes, yet others take an interested mind, and an observant eye to notice. This is especially true when it comes to transformation within our own inner lives, where things get real personal and scary.
At the very least, we have to have interest and an observant inner eye to notice such occurrences in ourselves. Yes, there are people who don’t have interest, thus don’t pay attention to their own inner lives. They are most prone to be driven by feeling and will impulses arising from their unconscious and subconscious life. To the degree we are awake and directive in our feeling, thinking, and will life, determines how free, effective, and satisfied we are in our lives as a whole.
So, interest and wakefulness is key to being more present in our lives. When the need for transformation grabs us, hits us upside the head, or knocks us down, then our wakefulness is crucial. Our wakefulness along with our willingness to surrender determine the completeness of our transformation. Our wakefulness recognizes the door, and surrender opens it for transformation to do its thing. The pain we feel is a like a sense organ, leading us to understand ourselves better, and to new riches within ourselves, if we dare to allow ourselves to not only feel the pain, but to follow it cognitively to wherever it leads us.
To deny entrance to transformation is to invite pain and suffering that is worse than what is experienced going through transformation. The more we resist, the lesson manifests as people and circumstances that become more difficult to deal with.
Besides rising to meet the need for transformation, as called for through the people in our lives, and situations we find ourselves in, we can initiate our own transformational processes. Through our own self awareness we may recognize a need to change a habit, whether it relates directly with our physical body, our actions, our feelings, or even in our thinking. It takes a conscious activation and use of our will to start making a difference. This is how we become who we want to be.
The more we exercise our will to transform ourselves, the more we become co-creators, in life. You may ask how this is so, for it is not necessarily apparent. The more we shape our lives, based upon our insights and heartfelt knowing, we become more open to, and harmonious with the spiritual impulses that are behind the world that we live in.
October 31, 2017
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